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European Standard Freight Axle (ESFA) AG BEWAG -10th May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "European Standard Freight Axle (ESFA) AG BEWAG -10th May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Standard Freight Axle (ESFA) AG BEWAG -10th May 2016

2 Some information on LBX New company built after bankruptcy of Valdunes Belux. Lucchini RS created LBX and restarted activities on 30 June 2014 Capex : 3 m€ done Certifications : ISO 9001-2008, SNCB, ECM 445-2011, VPI (waiting for certificate) 2

3 Geographical situation  At the heart of Belgian, French, Dutch, Luxemburg and German markets for delivering our products and services  Next to major freight corridors Netherlands Germany France Belgium Liège Luxemburg LBX SA Netherlands Germany Luxemburg France 20 km France 3

4 Products portfolio  Wheels Freight Passenger Metro Tramway Locomotive  Wheelsets Every type of wheelset, with mounting of components (axle boxes, bearings, brake discs, gear boxes) 12

5 Lucchini RG Group follows closely the works ongoing For this presentation, we have used some slides prepared and presented by the ESFA WG We’ve kept their format, highlighted in RED key points, added in yellow boxes our comments; and made some slides lighter for the sake of the presentation All credits are of course ESFA WG’s 5 ESFA Working Group

6 www.jsgrail.e u X – applicable, (x) partial applicable, N.a – not applicable Product-concept catalogue for a new standard freight wagon axle - European Standard Freight Axle (ESFA) Version: 23.12.2015) Current results of discussion from VPI – DB SR, 6.11.2012 First information to JSG, 28.11.2012 DB SR, 07.12.2012 UIC SET 06, 23.01.2013 JSG, 12.02.2013 VPI – DB SR, 25.03.2013 UIC SET 06, 18.06.2013 Operator and manufacturers, 18.07.2013 VPI, DB, manufacturers, 28.01.2014 Operator and manufacturers, 05.06.2014 Confirmation UIC project Operator and manufacturers, 10.04.2015 intermediate results 12/2015 JOINT APPROACH

7 www.jsgrail.e u X – applicable, (x) partial applicable, N.a – not applicable 7 Background and objective Background: In the last few years various measures to improve the wheelsets maintenance were introduced. For harmonisation and an effective maintenance and low costs the developing of a new standardized freight wagon axle/ standardized interface for an freight wagon axle is reasonable. This new axle will be characterized by a diameter increase. Objective of the collection of common requirements: Definition of requirements for a new international low maintenance standard axle with additional safety margins to further take into consideration the influences from operation and findings from other applications. The design must be at least according to EN 13 103 and should in addition take into account the results of the project EURAXLES (finalisation April 2014). Collection of demands of European operators (national: VPI, DB, international: UIP, UIC, CER, JSG etc) to a product-concept catalogue

8 www.jsgrail.e u X – applicable, (x) partial applicable, N.a – not applicable 8 Operational requirements and possible applications Operational requirements: axle load: common application - 22,5t, future application - 25t, calculation for approval and TSI: 22,t5 and 25t axle load, definition of NDT interval based on common application 22,5t, non-guiding maximum speed: 120 km/h Standard-wheel diameter: 920 – 840 mm optional applicability for other applications (axle load / wheel diameter) center of gravity of the wagon above rail: 2600 mm Axle geometry (journal, wheel seat) Hollow bore Axle steel grade Paint Brake interface Axle box and bearings interface Lowest possible NDT frequency Simplest possible NDT procedure INTERFACES DEFINED

9 www.jsgrail.e u X – applicable, (x) partial applicable, N.a – not applicable 9 Initiation UIC - project In the beginning of 2014, UIC proposal for the development of a new standard freight waggon axle „New standard freight wagon axle - European Standard Freight Axle (ESFA)“. January 2015: Project approved with reduced budget. Working program will be adopted in accordance to the budget, timeframe enlarged, Begin 07/ 2015 – End 2017. Project team includes SNCF, FS, DB AG, probably ÖBB, SBB, Turkey Scope: Publishing of the final document on UIC – homepage/ in UIC – leaflet

10 www.jsgrail.e u X – applicable, (x) partial applicable, N.a – not applicable 10 Next steps Communication to all partners in the sector, that the development of an new standard freight wagon axle has begun, together with/ within : VPI, DB, UIP, UIC, JSG, Manufacturers Next Steps: Start UIC project, publication of final design on UIC – homepage/ leaflet is possible Different designs with equal interfaces possible Define project The definition of a harmonized freight axle - at least uniform interfaces - are vital interest of the operators, because this is the minimum requirement to use wheels of different manufacturers. Central contact person for all supplements and notes: LBX is happy to present in more details the technical works on ESFA and Lucchini RS proposal if of interest to BeWag’s members

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