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Materials: - Pencil -Notebook -Folder Agenda: Complete Bell work POP! Cylinder Rockets Lab Report – DUE! No gum, candy or chewing please! DO: Today we.

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Presentation on theme: "Materials: - Pencil -Notebook -Folder Agenda: Complete Bell work POP! Cylinder Rockets Lab Report – DUE! No gum, candy or chewing please! DO: Today we."— Presentation transcript:

1 Materials: - Pencil -Notebook -Folder Agenda: Complete Bell work POP! Cylinder Rockets Lab Report – DUE! No gum, candy or chewing please! DO: Today we will finish writing our lab reports DQ: What was the relationship between the two variables? Friday April 8, 2016

2 Astronomy – Rocketry 4Student is able to teach another student about how to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure) 3Student is able to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure) 2With some help Student is able to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure) 1Even with help, Student is NOT able to make predictions, test hypothesis and draw conclusions on various rocket designs – (ex: stability, shape, structure)

3 Prism Rocket Cylinder Rocket

4 Lab report… on going Purpose: Hypothesis: Variables: Dependent: what are we measuring? Independent: What is different between the two rockets? Constant: What did we keep the same?

5 Lab report continued… Materials: list everything you used to create your rocket Procedure: numbered list of directions (start with verb) – explain how to create rocket. After launch, we will add the steps to explain the launch.

6 Lab report continued… Data table: you are measuring flight stability and distance. Make a table that organizes these variables for BOTH rockets.

7 Results:  Add the launch procedure Data Table: Create a data table that organizes your results (go to the tab that says “insert” and click “table” – select the number of columns and rows and then fill it in. Graph: Make a double bar graph showing the flight stability & distance for both (prism & cylinder) rockets. Scientific Drawing: Labels go to on straight lines to the right of the object.

8 Data analysis: Interpret the relationship between the two variables (shape & stability/distance). Include the data from your data table and explain what it means. Summarize the experiment. Explain what the variables are and how they are related.

9 Data analysis - PoP rockets Data Analysis Interpret the relationship between the two variables (shape & stability/distance). 4In addition to a 3, your paragraph goes above and beyond by adding an additional yellow and pink that discusses how the data from your straw rocket trials is similar to these rocket trials. 3  Your topic sentence re-states the two variables and states the relationship between them.  Your yellow sentences explain how each rocket did (use the data from your data table)  Your pink sentences go into further detail describing what the data in the data table means in words.  You formally conclude the relationship between the two variables by stating which rocket did the best and why.  Don’t forget transitions  Highlighted appropriately.  2Some of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate 1The majority of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate

10 o Your topic sentence re-states the variables and states the relationship between them In this experiment we tested __________________(independent variable) vs_________________(dependent variable) and their relationship is _____________________. o Your yellow sentences explain how each rocket did (use the data from your data table) Overall, the prism rocket ________________________.  Do this for cylinder too o Your pink sentences go into further detail describing what the data in the data table means in words This means that it is/is not stable because___________________ and that is flew _____________.  Do this for cylinder too o You formally conclude the relationship between the two variables by stating which rocket did the best and why. In conclusion, the relationship between ______________ and ________________ is __________________ because rocket ______________ did the best.

11 Conclusion - PoP Rockets Conclusio n Summary paragraph describing all of the steps of the experiment and what you have learned/concluded. In addition to a 3, your paragraph goes above and beyond by adding an additional yellow and pink that discusses how the data from your straw rocket trials is similar to these rocket trials.  Your topic sentence describes what the experiment was.  The body of your paragraph states/answers the following information in complete sentences: o Restate your hypothesis (yellow) o Was your hypothesis correct? Why/why not? (pink) o Summarize how you created each rocket. (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) o What were the results for each rocket (summarize data analysis) (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) o What was your purpose/problem statement? (yellow) o What have you learned about your purpose? (pink) o What were possible sources of errors in this experiment? (yellow) o In the future how could you learn from those errors? (pink)  You formally conclude which shape is the most stable/ fly's the furthest.  Your paragraph includes transition words, is free of convention errors and is highlighted appropriately Some of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate The majority of the above information is missing/incorrect/inaccurate

12  Your topic sentence describes what the experiment was In this experiment, we tested two different shaped rockets for ______________. o What was your purpose/problem statement? (yellow) My formal purpose statement was ______________. o What have you learned about your purpose? (pink) I learned that __________________. o Restate your hypothesis (yellow) Moving forward, my hypothesis stated ________________. o Was your hypothesis correct? Why/why not? (pink) This was correct/not correct because________________. o Summarize how you created each rocket. (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) Next, I created the __________ rocket. To create this rocket I had to ________________. After, I created the ___________rocket. I created this rocket by ______________. o What were the results for each rocket (summarize data analysis) (Yellow & pink - 4 sentences total) Overall, when I tested the __________rocket the stability was ______ and distance was __________. This means ____________________. I then, tested the __________rocket the stability was ______ and distance was __________. This means ____________________. o What were possible sources of errors in this experiment? (yellow) However, some sources for errors were___________________. o In the future how could you learn from those errors? (pink) In the future, I could ____________.  You formally conclude which shape is the most stable/ fly's the furthest. In conclusion the _____________rocket is the best for flight because____________________.

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