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Participation of the Firms Co-located in Industrial Park and the Level of Awareness in Health and Safety Regard to Eco-industrial Park Concept: A Case.

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Presentation on theme: "Participation of the Firms Co-located in Industrial Park and the Level of Awareness in Health and Safety Regard to Eco-industrial Park Concept: A Case."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participation of the Firms Co-located in Industrial Park and the Level of Awareness in Health and Safety Regard to Eco-industrial Park Concept: A Case Study of Saha Groups, Sriracha, Thailand Participation of the Firms Co-located in Industrial Park and the Level of Awareness in Health and Safety Regard to Eco-industrial Park Concept: A Case Study of Saha Groups, Sriracha, Thailand Kultida Bunjongsiri a, Dr. Sunil Herat a, Dr.Tri Dung Phung b Assoc. Prof.Dr.Jakkris Sivadechathep c and Prof. Cordia Chu b a Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Australia b Centre for Environment and Population Health, Griffith University c School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand 31 st International Congress on Occupational Health, May 31 st to June 5 th, 2015, Seoul, Korea 1

2 Improve Performance Environmental sustainability Promote Significant for Social Economics Environmental impact 2

3 Types of Eco-Industrial park developments (EID) A single by-product exchange or network of exchanges. 3 An IP designed around a single environmental theme. A mixed-use development (industrial, commercial, and residential)

4 2000 4 No EIP has succeeded The narrow term used as ‘wastes or by-products’ Not feasible and fails to achieve. Timeline of EIP Practices in Thailand

5 Eco-criteria (IEAT, 2011) 5 Physical Economic Societal Environmental Managerial 1.Location and space layout 2.Building and surrounding area design 3.Economy of locality 4.Economics of industry 5.Economy of local community 6.Marketing 7.Transportation and logistics 8. Quality of life and social fit with community 9. Quality of life and social life of workers 19.The management of the involved area 20.Improvement of management system 21. Improvement of personnel quality 22.Information and reporting

6 6 10.Water management 11.Air pollution management 12.Waste and waste materials management 13.Energy management 14.Sound management 15.Production process 16.Eco-efficiency 17. Health and safety 18.Environmental monitoring Uncontrolled envi. pollution No proper data collection system Hard to get data in cooperation among firms Companies already have the data

7 Data collection Survey questionnaire May to Sep. 2014 May to Sep. 2014 7 Part 1: General Data -- Factory Data and Personnel Data. Part 2: H&S Data Part 3: Knowledge of OH&S through the requirements of EIP regulations. Part 4: Opinions about OH&S management through EIP. This question used a Likert five-point scale. Part 5 Problems, obstacles, and suggestions for implementation of OH&S.

8 As of September 2014, there are 65 companies 288 hectares of land 8

9 General Data 9 Total 65 companies

10 Number of Employees 10 Total 44 companies responded

11 Operating hours Office section 11 Manufacturing section

12 12 The Knowledge of OH&S officers about OH&S and EIP Recognition that the Eco-Industrial project supported by Department of Industrial Works. 15 Total 44 companies responded

13 13 Recognition that the Saha Group Industrial Park, Sriracha is part of this project. 8 The Knowledge of OH&S officers about OH&S and EIP Total 44 companies responded

14 14 Level of Agreement on OH&S management through EIP policies

15 15 Discussion Planning for EIP still in infancy in Thailand. H&S management an important criterion for success in EIP. Encourage IP to implement OH&S system actively. 50%+ participants are aware of the OH&S project. Success of EIP in Thailand depends on cooperation from all parties.

16 16 Conclusion The findings of this work represent an important source of motivation for firms to implement a H&S management in line with the requirements of EIP policies.

17 17 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank: Griffith University, Office of Educational Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University For the generosity in funding which support this study. We also gratefully thank: Sahapatana Inter-holding Public Limited Company For their great support throughout the field study.

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