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Theme 6, Selection 1 “The Grizzly Bear Family Book”

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 6, Selection 1 “The Grizzly Bear Family Book”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 6, Selection 1 “The Grizzly Bear Family Book”

2  aggressive  “The stronger, more aggressive bears, usually males, command the best places.”

3  ag / gres / sive  “The stronger, more aggressive bears, usually males, command the best places.”

4  Aggressive (adj.) means bold, or ready and quick to fight. Someone who is determined to succeed might be aggressive.

5  aggressively / adverb  aggressiveness / noun

6  bold  forceful  threatening  forward

7  passive  demure  nonthreatening  gentle

8  “The stronger, more aggressive bears, usually males, command the best places. When a new bear joins a group, a brief struggle for dominance is often the result…When two bears who have already fought meet again, the loser will automatically give up its place to the victor, avoiding another fight.”

9  A dog that has an aggressive nature should only be kept by an experienced dog owner who can safely manage the dog.  A person who is aggressively pursuing a successful career needs to set goals and work hard.

10  Being aggressive toward another student is a problem because ________________ _________________________________.  Being aggressive in the way I approach my schoolwork and other responsibilities can be a good thing because ______________ ______________________________________ _____________________________.

11  pushing someone out of your way- aggressive or not aggressive  a German Shepherd lying at your feet- aggressive or not aggressive  a driver tailgating the car in front of her- aggressive or not aggressive  doing your homework and then studying an extra 30 minutes everyday- aggressive or not aggressive  glaring at another student- aggressive or not aggressive  a small dog nipping at your heels when you walk past- aggressive or not aggressive

12 aggressive

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