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Why were the Bolsheviks able to seize power in October/November 1917?

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2 Why were the Bolsheviks able to seize power in October/November 1917?

3 Key people involved Lenin Trotsky

4 Who were Lenin and Trotsky? LENIN  Leader of the Bolshevik party  Talented speaker  Interested in the writings of Karl Marx  Spent the years from 1900- 1917 in exile due to his revolutionary ideas. TROTSKY  Member of the Bolshevik party  Good at planning  Educated  Interested in bringing about change in Russia

5 WHAT HAPPENEDHAPPENED HAPPENED HAPPENEDIN THETHE THE THEMONTHS BEFOREBEFORE BEFORE BEFORETHE OCTOBER/NOVEMBER REVOLUTION? April 1917 Lenin returns from exile with funds supplied by the Germans who were supplied by the Germans who were wanting an end to the war. He wanting an end to the war. He promises the people of Russia promises the people of Russia “PEACE, LAND, BREAD, FREEDOM” “PEACE, LAND, BREAD, FREEDOM”

6 THE JULY DAYS People demonstrate in Petrograd between 16 th -18 th July. They are angry at the Provisional Government refusal to get Russia out of World War One. (Just suffered heavy defeats in the July Offensive) It is turned into a premature Bolshevik uprising against the Provisional Government. WHY DO YOU THINK THE BOLSHEVIK UPRISING FAILED? Lenin flees to Finland!

7 WHAT HAPPENS IN LENIN’S ABSENCE? TROTSKY TAKES CONTROL! Leon Trotsky creates the ‘Red Guards’, the Bolshevik Leon Trotsky creates the ‘Red Guards’, the Bolshevik military force. military force. Trotsky becomes the Chairman of the increasingly Trotsky becomes the Chairman of the increasingly influential Bolshevik administration and political centre – influential Bolshevik administration and political centre – The Petrograd Soviet. Remember – Whoever controlled the Petrograd Soviet could also control Russia…. WHY?

8 VERY IMPORTANT EVENT!!!! September 10 Kornilov Revolt Kerensky has to ask the Bolsheviks for help to crush the revolt. Kerensky has to ask the Bolsheviks for help to crush the revolt. The Red guards are given guns and their old leader are released from prison in order to protect Petrograd. The Red guards are given guns and their old leader are released from prison in order to protect Petrograd. Kornilov’s men become hungry and scared and they mutiny to join the Petrograd Soviet. Kornilov’s men become hungry and scared and they mutiny to join the Petrograd Soviet.

9 LENIN MANIPULATES THE SITUATION Writes letters to urge other Bolshevik Leaders to make preparations for a revolution Writes letters to urge other Bolshevik Leaders to make preparations for a revolution Asks Trotsky to prepare the Red Guards for a violent seizure of power Asks Trotsky to prepare the Red Guards for a violent seizure of power Uses the Bolshevik newspaper “Pravda (truth)” Uses the Bolshevik newspaper “Pravda (truth)” to promote his promise of “Peace, land, bread and freedom.” to promote his promise of “Peace, land, bread and freedom.” This was a clever move because the people of Russia were starving, food and supplies were not getting through.


11 October 16 th Lenin returns to Russia October 16 th Lenin returns to Russia The revolution begins…… 24 th -25 th October The Red guards under the leadership of Trotsky seized power. The Red guards under the leadership of Trotsky seized power. They cut telephone wires, took control of the post office, railways stations and other key buildings. They cut telephone wires, took control of the post office, railways stations and other key buildings. Kerensky flees. Kerensky flees. Provisional Government barricade themselves into the Winter Palace. Provisional Government barricade themselves into the Winter Palace. Bolsheviks storm the palace during the night and around 2am they arrest the government ministers. Bolsheviks storm the palace during the night and around 2am they arrest the government ministers..

12 Why were the Bolsheviks able to seize power? They had a strong political and economic centre in the Petrograd Soviet. They had a strong political and economic centre in the Petrograd Soviet. They had their own armed forces, the ‘Red Guards’. They had their own armed forces, the ‘Red Guards’. They were organised and disciplined and had clear planned strategies. They were organised and disciplined and had clear planned strategies. They were realistic, practical and clever in setting their short term goals. “April Theses” They were realistic, practical and clever in setting their short term goals. “April Theses” The Provisional Government was weak and ineffective. The Provisional Government was weak and ineffective. Lenin was an inspiring leader with vision, clarity and ability. Lenin was an inspiring leader with vision, clarity and ability.

13 On the 8th October/November 1917, the All Russian Congress of Soviets give power to the 15 Bolshevik Commissars under the leadership of Lenin. But, why were they able to seize power?

14 What were our roles in the October Revolution? Lenin Trotsky

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