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1 Theatre Education Matters Generic School District School Board Presentation.

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1 1 Theatre Education Matters Generic School District School Board Presentation

2 2 Theatre students succeed academically In 2010, students who took four years of theatre or other arts study scored 102 points better on their SATs better than students who one half- year or less

3 3 At Generic Between 2008 and 2011 our theatre students achieved :  x valedictorian awards  x Merit Scholarships  x Outstanding Generic Student of the Month citations  $xxx in academic-based college scholarships  Acceptance at xx colleges and universities throughout the country

4 4 And artistically… Since 2008, Generic has inducted xx students into the International Thespian Society and earned:  X Cappie awards  X Chapter Select invitations to the Thespian Festival  X Best show awards at our annual state Thespian Conference

5 5 Theatre is a core subject “ The study of drama, dance, music, and the visual arts helps students explore realities, relationships, and ideas that cannot be conveyed in simply words or numbers” Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

6 6 Collage of theatre activities; no text


8 8

9 9 Teacher student shot

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11 11 What RESEARCH Is Telling Us About the value of theatre and other arts education

12 12 Theatre experiences Correlate to greater success in math and reading Increase literacy through drama games for young children Improve language and memory skills Integrate and teach knowledge and skills of other core subjects Help raise scores on standardized tests

13 13 At risk 8 th graders Highly involved in theatre have better grades, less likelihood of dropping out by grade nine, are more positive about school and more likely to go to college


15 15 What surveys have learned about theatre and other arts education 97 % of school superintendents said that theatre activities develop creativity in students 56 % of corporate executives and 79 % of school superintendents agree that a college degree in the arts is the most significant indicator of success in a prospective job candidate

16 16 And more…. A national poll of voters indicated that 73% felt that the capacity to imagine is just as important as basic academic skills for all students In a 2005 Harris poll, 93 % of Americans said that the arts are vital to providing a well-rounded education for children

17 17 Theatre education is an economic asset to our community It generates: Jobs Money Business infrastructure

18 18 The arts are not flowers— they are a wrench… From Reinvesting in Arts Education, the 2011 the Presidents Commission on the Arts and Humanities report.....

19 19 Our future as an innovative country depends on ensuring that everyone has access to the arts and cultural opportunity…it’s about who we are as a people. Michelle Obama

20 20 Theatre Education Matters To everyone in our community

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