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Chapter 16 Section 5: Personality Disorders and Drug Addiction.

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1 Chapter 16 Section 5: Personality Disorders and Drug Addiction

2 Personality Disorders Personality Disorders- maladaptive or inflexible ways of dealing with other and one’s environment Usually not Anxiety driven Unable to establish meaningful relationships with people Self-defeating personality patterns From painfully shy and lonely to vain, pushy show-offs Antisocial Personality- personality disorder characterized by irresponsibility, shallow emotions, and lack of conscience In the past called sociopaths or psychopaths Often disregard and violate others rights Treat people as objects Do not care if they hurt people or break social rules Do not seem to feel shame or guilt


4 Drug Addiction Psychological dependence- use of a drug to such an extent that a person feels nervous and anxious without it Ex. Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, etc Physiological addiction- a pattern of drug abuse characterized by an overwhelming and compulsive desire to obtain and use the drug If they do not get the drug, they experience physical discomfort Tolerance- physical adaptation to a drug so that a person needs an increased amount in order to produce the original effect Withdrawal- the symptoms that occur after a person discontinues the use of a drug to which he or she has become addicted Varies by person and by drug From nausea to death

5 Alcoholism Stats 80% of high school seniors have consumed alcohol 40% of automobile accident deaths are alcohol related Often called a social drug Slows inhibitions Feels like stimulant to some, actually a depressant Alcoholism- may develop from both environmental and genetic factors Risk is 4 times higher if runs in family

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