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Cities & Adaptations Ajaz Ahmed. Climate Change A global problem and serious threat Risk to socioeconomic systems – exposure Solution – Mitigation & adaptation.

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Presentation on theme: "Cities & Adaptations Ajaz Ahmed. Climate Change A global problem and serious threat Risk to socioeconomic systems – exposure Solution – Mitigation & adaptation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cities & Adaptations Ajaz Ahmed

2 Climate Change A global problem and serious threat Risk to socioeconomic systems – exposure Solution – Mitigation & adaptation Climate disaster responses – short & long run – Emergency response – Coping – Adaptation

3 Climate Change Adaptations Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social, or economic systems in response to actual or expected abrupt changes in climate of the globe and their effects (IPCC, 2001). Flood adaptation is physical or behavioral response to floods in terms of taking various protection measures at household level

4 Cities & Adaptations Livelihood for large population Industrialization & commercial activities Cities contribution to economic growth R&D and innovation centers Socioeconomic systems Reliance of economy

5 Urban Climate Variability Pollution & CO2 emission Urban temperature variation Drought and water scarcity Coastal flooding, sea level rise, & storm surge Emerging human health, issues in cities

6 Exposure and Sensitivity Demography – population density City infrastructure – institutions Water supply, wastewater, & sanitation Energy supply systems Transportation and telecommunications Cultural, recreation & heritage sites Green infrastructure and ecosystem services Health and social services

7 Urban Transition to Resilience and Sustainability Mainstreaming adaptation into urbanization – Urban governance, planning, & management – Addressing trade-offs & optimizing co-benefits – Risk assessment & risk reduction – Smart & resource efficient cities – Green development – Climate resilient development – Sustainability

8 Key Adaptation Sectors Adapting the economic base of urban centers Adapting food for urban populations Adapting housing and urban settlements Adapting urban water & waste systems Adapting electric power & energy systems Adapting transport & telecommunications systems Adapting infrastructure & ecosystem services Adapting public services & other public responses

9 Adaptation Strategies Business locations – high risk to low risk areas Climate resilient standards – flood proof structures Insurance markets Cash transfers & safety nets Flood resilient crops Rainwater harvesting Kitchen gardening Waste and water recycling Climate resilient basic public services e.g. elated and underground system, mobile health services Use of IT and cloud services

10 Adaptation Types Planned adaptations – centralized Autonomous adaptations – decentralized – Community – Households – Individuals My research

11 District Nowshehra Case Study Floods in Pakistan More intense and frequent Increasing exposure Damages – crops, livestock, houses, & assets Geography of floods – rural population Poor resilience Exposed livelihood

12 Study Context Agriculture – main source of livelihood Maize, wheat, sugarcane, barley & vegetables Climate & weather – Warm Sub-humid (30-45C) Population – 26% urban & 74% rural Flood exposure – along the river Kabul Appropriate response – adaptations Household adaptations Indigenous, effective, easy, & socially acceptable

13 Study Area

14 Study Area Map

15 Potential Adaptations Livestock changes Livelihood diversification Growing changes Crop timings Migration Tree plantation Remittances

16 HH Adaptations Increased plinth in new construction Grain storage Flood preparation – flood forecast, info. Growing short duration crops

17 Study Link Agriculture - food security Inputs for industry Employment Migration Rural economy

18 Economics of Adaptations Livelihood loss Losses & damages Poverty & unemployment Risk & uncertainty Interventions – Economic viability – Social acceptability – Financial Profitability – BCA – cost of having or not having

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