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ListeningListening -The listening process -Listening skills -Listening in the classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "ListeningListening -The listening process -Listening skills -Listening in the classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 ListeningListening -The listening process -Listening skills -Listening in the classroom

2 The Listening Process Read page 45 and 46 … Can you give an example of ‘ listening for specific details ’ ? What about an example of ‘ listening for general meaning ’ ? And an example of ‘ listening for the gist ’ ? Textbook p.45

3 The Components of Language Can you define the following components? phonemes syllables noun phrases and verb phrases schwa stress clauses and sentences Textbook p.47

4 How many clauses can you identify in these sentences? 1. The train which has just arrived at platform one is out of service. 2. Unless there is a shop in the village where they live, people who live in the countryside have to take the bus to do their shopping. Textbook p.35

5 How many clauses can you identify in these sentences? 1. The train which has just arrived at platform one is out of service.  2 clauses 2.Unless there is a shop in the village where they live, people who live in the countryside have to take the bus to do their shopping.  4 clauses Textbook p.35

6 Listening in the Classroom Read page 49 … What is the difference between authentic and invented material? Which type of material is more suitable at lower levels? How is the use of authentic material different at lower and more advanced levels? What are the purposes of pre-listening, listening and post-listening activities? Textbook p.49

7 Characteristics of Real-life Listening Situations Informal Spoken Discourses  Short “ Chunks ”, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar, “ Noise ”, Redundancy, Non-Repetition Listener Expectation and Purpose Looking as well as Listening Ongoing, Purposeful Listener Response Speaker Attention Textbook p.47

8 Real-life Listening in the Classroom 1.Listening Texts -- Informal Talk  don ’ t read aloud -- Speaker Visibility; Direct Speaker- Listener Interaction  videos, small group discussion, T-L interaction -- Single Exposure  choose redundant texts / may frustrate learners / or learners can pause and ask for clarification Textbook p.47

9 Real-life Listening in the Classroom 2. Listening Tasks -- Expectations -- Purpose  what to listen for -- Ongoing Listener Response  written responses / physical responses  do-able tasks (do it yourself / pause / less questions / allow them to ask questions) Textbook p.47

10 Pre-listening Activities Match the texts (a-e) with the activities (1-5) Think about the purposes of these activities Can you think of any other pre- listening activities to use with these texts? Textbook p.50

11 Others: Guess from the Visual Clues 1.What is the relationship between the two people in the clip? 2.What time is it? 3.What is the man drinking? What is the woman drinking? 4.Where is the woman going? How does she feel? 5.What do you think they are talking about? 6.What is the man going to do next? Textbook p.50

12 Text A: identify family members Textbook p.50 1. 5.4. 3. 2.

13 Text B: Listen and Tick! Textbook p.50 What services are available in the bank? □ open a bank account □ transfer money □ make a long-distance call □ borrow money □ check your e-mails □ check your balance □ withdraw money

14 Text C: Put the statements in order ( ) Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the environment. ( ) There is not a full agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity. ( ) Protection of the environment is needed from various human activities. ( ) Complete environmental protection seems impossible at this stage. ( ) There are international environmental protection organizations such as the UNEP. Textbook p.50

15 Text C: Put the pictures in order 1.2.3. 5. 4.6.

16 Text D: True or False 1. Full-time education is compulsory for all children between 5-16. □ True □ False 2. Public schools and colleges are financed through national tax. □ True □ False 3. Students normally enter university from 18 onwards and study for an Academic Degree. □ True □ False Textbook p.50

17 Pronunciation Unstressed Vowels: -- at, of, and (prepositions, auxiliaries, conjunctions, etc.) Connected Speech: -- am, is, are, will, have, had (e.g. They ’ ll, I ’ m, She ’ s, etc.) -- words end with [p],[b],[t],[d],[k],[g] and followed by a consonant (e.g. Bob called last night. You look great today.) -- (e.g. The cat is black. My car is here. Rock and roll.) -- vowel + [t] + vowel  [d] (e.g. a lot of, water, not at all) -- [s] + [p] [t] [k]  [b] [d] [g] (e.g. speak → [sb] / stop → [sd] / sky → [sg]) Textbook p.54

18 Design Your Listening Class! Look at the list of listening texts from Activity 4 on page 50. Choose one text and think of a few pre-listening, listening and post-listening activities for the text. Textbook p.50

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