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Scorescore Jeopardy!. scorescore Attack that Word! Multiple Spellings All about phonemes Random Language 200 400 600 800 1000 Simple Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Scorescore Jeopardy!. scorescore Attack that Word! Multiple Spellings All about phonemes Random Language 200 400 600 800 1000 Simple Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 scorescore Jeopardy!

2 scorescore Attack that Word! Multiple Spellings All about phonemes Random Language 200 400 600 800 1000 Simple Jeopardy

3 scorescore Attack that Word! Segment the syllables and say what type each is. Label the vowels using the correct diacritical marks. Correctly pronounce the word.

4 scorescore All about Phonemes Say each individual phoneme in the word. Give the correct number of phonemes in the word. Correctly pronounce the word.

5 scorescore Multiple Spellings List all the possible spellings for the phoneme indicated.

6 scorescore like līke One syllable-magic e

7 scorescore combine cŏm.bīne closed.magic e

8 scorescore lumbermen lŭm.ber.mĕn closed.bossy-r.closed

9 scorescore quadruple quăd.rū.ple

10 scorescore bewilderment bē.wĭĕnt open.closed.bossy-r.closed

11 scorescore dog 3 phonemes

12 scorescore matter 4 phonemes

13 scorescore imagine 6 phonemes

14 scorescore enough 4 phonemes

15 scorescore kinesthetic 10 phonemes

16 scorescore /t/ t -ed

17 scorescore /r/ r wr- rh-

18 scorescore /k/ c k -ck ch -que

19 scorescore /er/ er ir ur or ar ear yr

20 scorescore /ōō/ oo ew u u-e ou ue ui eu

21 scorescore What root means “to break”? Use a word with this root in a sentence. rupt Example: “You should not interrupt when someone else is talking.”

22 scorescore What are the layers of language? Where do words from each layer normally appear? 1.Anglo-Saxon: common, everyday words. 2.Romance Languages: words used in more formal settings; roots that usually consist of short vowels. 3.Greek: used often in science.

23 scorescore What is a “schwa”? What layer of language is it from? A schwa is an unstressed vowel. It comes from Latin.

24 scorescore Give 3 examples of a multiple spelling that is of Greek origin. Say the phoneme and spell the Greek spelling of it. Example: /k/… ch /f/… ph /m/… mn

25 scorescore struct 1. What origin is this from and why? 2. What does it mean? 3. Use a key word in a sentence. 1.Latin… ct and short vowel. 2.To build 3.Example: “They were going to construct a plan to solve the problem.”

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