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Aim: why has the organized religion of Hinduism had an impact on the world?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: why has the organized religion of Hinduism had an impact on the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: why has the organized religion of Hinduism had an impact on the world?

2 What part of the world is associated with the origins of Hinduism?

3 Origins What are the early origins of Hinduism?

4 Who did the Indo-Europeans / Indo-Aryans / Aryans run into in South Asia? Dominant theory of Indo-European migration


6 Founder Who is the founder of Hinduism? There is none. The origin of Hinduism lies in the original Vedas (epic poems, Hindu scriptures, spiritual laws and truths) brought to South Asia by the Aryans. When?

7 Basics Is Hinduism Monotheistic or Polytheistic? That depends on your perspective. Use the following slide to make your own mind up.

8 Is Hinduism Monotheistic or Polytheistic? How many Hindu Gods exist? How many Hindus are there on planet Earth? About one billion. So what’s the connection to the main question above? Take Note: The Regents Board of NYS generally considers Hinduism to be polytheistic. British TV Interview

9 Point to Ponder How is it possible for someone to be a Hindu Christian but not a Christian Hindu? Okay, so on to Basic Beliefs / Tenets. ?!

10 Basic Beliefs Dharma: duties and obligations in life determined by one’s birth. Reincarnation: rebirth Karma: actions leading to future consequences Samsara: cycle of birth, death and rebirth Moksha: escape from Samsara Nirvana: “heaven” ???

11 How might this diagram illustrate and explain Hinduism? _________ ________

12 Think of life and time as a circle. Birth / Death Reincarnation Moksha Samsara Nirvana Dharma Karma

13 As opposed to a linear concept of time Begin / Birth End / Death Afterlife… or not or …?

14 Want to reach Nirvana sooner? Meditation and education Being a responsible adult Meditation Release from material possessions

15 Impact on Society

16 At least twice born (reincarnated) castes.

17 Caste System Why could such a system be used for political purposes in any Hindu society? Is Hindu society unique in its implementation of classism? During the Mauryan Empire, Indo – Greeks were incorporated into what caste? Why?

18 Satyagraha

19 Fin

20 Hindu – Muslim Relations



23 Fin

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