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CAA PEACE Status A.N. Fazakerley, I. Rozum, B. Mihaljcic, N. Doss, Y. Bogdanova, G. Watson 11 th CAA Cross Calibration Meeting, 7 – 9 April 2010, Goslar,

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Presentation on theme: "CAA PEACE Status A.N. Fazakerley, I. Rozum, B. Mihaljcic, N. Doss, Y. Bogdanova, G. Watson 11 th CAA Cross Calibration Meeting, 7 – 9 April 2010, Goslar,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAA PEACE Status A.N. Fazakerley, I. Rozum, B. Mihaljcic, N. Doss, Y. Bogdanova, G. Watson 11 th CAA Cross Calibration Meeting, 7 – 9 April 2010, Goslar, Germany

2 Contents Summary of Recent Work Calibration Status Summary of Deliveries Software and Data Product Production Status Status Parameters Missing Data Dataset Issues Personnel Priorities

3 Summary of Recent Work Completion of PITCH_SPIN production/validation/deliveries PADL/M/HAR production/validation/deliveries PITCH_3DR production/validation/deliveries PEACE/WHISPER Cross-calibration activities Header file updates Status flag production for pitch angle selection quality Progress on production/Validation codes for PITCH_FULL, PITCH_3DX

4 MSSL Calibration Status PEACE calibration v5.2 was released in March 2009. Validity date ranges: C1 HEEAJan 2001 – July 2008 C1 LEEAJan 2001 – July 2008 C2 HEEAJan 2001 – July 2008 C2 LEEAJan 2001 – July 2008 C3 HEEAJan 2001 – August 2005(when improved, will re-deliver data) C3 LEEAJan 2001 – April 2007 (when improved, will re-deliver data) C4 HEEAJan 2001 – July 2008 C4 LEEAJan 2001 – May 2006 (when improved, will re-deliver data) (inter-anode calibration to be updated when have work-around for bad anode) (need to establish sensitivity history, hoping to use densities from WHISPER)

5 Summary PEACE CAA deliveries MSSL NOTE 1. 3DR, PITCH_SPIN and MOMENTS are considered by CAA to be the primary science products NOTE 2. Products for 2001-2007 generated but not delivered yet: PADHAR (CL-2,3), PADMAR, PITCH_3DR NOTE 3. There is a dependency for PEACE calibration on the availability of EFW “potential”, WHI “density” and to a lesser degree, FGM “magnetic field vectors”, causing delayed availability of 2008/9 PEACE data

6 Software and Data Product Production Status Moments V12001-2005; Cal v5.1; delivered; (code release 1) V2 2001-2007; Cal v5.1; delivered first quarter 2009; (code release 2) V3 2001-2006; Cal v5.2; delivered March 2009 (2007 produced, not delivered) (code release 3) V4 2001-2009; Cal v6; may use improved approach to time aliasing issue; delivery date tbc MOMENTS for I year/all s/c takes ~ 1 day to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) This is for a particular set of choices about how to calculate the moments; a more optimised approach will be much slower. Validation code completed Code release 1: initial version Code release 2: updated file naming convention; missing spins and pressure tensor bugs corrected; better status flag handling Code release 3: CAA compliant quality flag definitions, handle overlap better?

7 Software and Data Product Production Status 3DR, 3DXP, 3DX, 3DXPA (and LAR versions) OMS, PAD*, LER, NOI (anciliary products) V12001-2005; Cal v5.1; delivered; (Code release 1) V2 2001-2007; Cal v5.2; 3DR, 3DXP, 3DX, LER, NOI, PADLAR; delivered; PADMAR, PADHAR; undergoing validation OMS to do 3DXPA, 3DXPALAR, 3DXLAR, 3DXPLAR to do but note these are a small fraction of the dataset (Code release 2) 3DRL and 3DRH for I year/all s/c takes ~ 1 week to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Production code debugging and Validation code preparation are ongoing for incomplete 3DX products Code release 1: provides data and for each data measurements also provides the instantaneous pitch-angle Code release 2: provides data and for each data measurements also an indication of the typical background noise level; updated naming convention and quality flag, more complete status parameter set

8 Software and Data Product Production Status PITCH_SPIN, PITCH_3DR Vβ2001-Feb, March; Cal v5.1; delivered 2009 for pipe-cleaning/peer review; (code draft 1) V1 2001-2007; Cal v5.2; delivered; (code release 1) Code draft 1: now not in use - product definition was improved in January 2009 Code release 1: provides data and for each data measurements also an indication of the typical background noise level PITCH_SPIN for I year/all s/c takes ~ 3 days to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Validation code completed

9 Software and Data Product Production Status PITCH_FULL, PITCH_3DX V12001-2007; Cal v5.2; to be delivered testing on limited intervals successful; mass production can start when the schedule permits 3DRL and 3DRH for I year/all s/c takes ~ 1 week to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Waiting for benchmark speed test on new computer system Validation code ready for testing Code draft 1: now not in use - product definition was improved in January 2009 Code draft 2: provides data and for each data measurements also an indication of the typical background noise level (awaiting validation testing) Code release 1: recent work resolved problems linked to having different modes on different sensors

10 Software and Data Product Production Status PITCH_3DXPA (and LAR versions of 3DX, 3DXP, 3DXPA) V12001-2007; Cal v5.2; to be delivered (awaits code release 1; validation code) N.B. relatively small fraction of total dataset 3DRL and 3DRH for I year/all s/c takes ~ 1 week to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Waiting for benchmark speed test on new computer system Validation code in preparation Code draft 1: now not in use - product definition was improved in January 2009 Code draft 2: provides data and for each data measurements also an indication of the typical background noise level (awaiting validation testing). Testing in progress, some unresolved bugs at present.

11 Header File Updates Moments Scalemin and Scalemax updates, based on observed parameter values in typical and extreme events 2D and 3D products Scalemin and Scalemax updates, all units, based on model distributions and observed background noise levels All Products Correction to use of metadata “min/max time resolution” Updates of parameter values of these metadata to account for different data allocations on different spacecraft Updated header files delivered 26 January 2010

12 MSSL Illustration of model distributions. The chart shows two possible noise levels: traditional 1 count/accumulation level empirically determined minimum noise level of 1/8 count/accumulation Header File Updates

13 Status Parameters: completed MSSL Status_Quality – data quality (bad data, use with caution, OK or fill). Status_DatastreamErrors – identifies rare problem intervals (eg. bad telemetry, etc.). Status_Eclipse – when data was collected during an eclipse (PEACE in eclipse mode). Status_ASPOC – is ASPOC on or off? Status_InterferenceFromEFW – is EFW bias sweeping occurring during the spin? Status_InterferenceFromWHI – is WHISPER actively sounding during the spin? Status_PEACErawData – contains filenames containing the source data; version number of the MSSL software Status_CalibrationVersion – version number of the MSSL calibration file used to convert to scientific units. Note, the Status_Quality parameter s/w needs to be updated when additional status parameters are added, so it is up to date, but it is not finalised.

14 Status Parameters: incomplete MSSL Status_PADSelectionQuality – contains info about the quality of onboard PAD selection Status_PitchAngleCoverage – gives detailed info about the quality of onboard PAD selection Status_CountsStats – risk of saturation or low statistics Status_Validation – none? automated? human? Status_FGM – shows if FGM is on or off or giving bad data – is absent by design from 3D files (not relevant there). Used in 2D files to help explain when there is poor PADSelectionQuality Status_PenetratingRadiationRemoved – shows if penetrating radiation was removed. Note: The planned penetrating radiation status parameter may be redefined to indicate if there was a problem with penetrating radiation (SEP events, perigee passes through active terrestrial radiation belts) as well as if the data has been “cleaned” NOTE: green – being implemented; red – work is in progress; status parameters in blue – work has not started yet.

15 Status Parameters: incomplete, moments only MSSL Status_Partial_Coverage – indicates partial energy coverage of a distribution Status_Warning* – warning flags for different cases (eg. partial coverage, time aliasing, etc.) Status_SpacecraftPotential – shows if spacecraft potential is reliable or not. Status_CalculationMethod Status_IntegrationLowerLimit Status_IntegrationUpperLimit NOTE: green – being implemented; red – work is in progress; status parameters in blue – work has not started yet.

16 Status_CountStats: Saturation Studies MSSL Problem HEEA saturates in the high flux environment (LEEA is usually ok) At what counts/acc level does HEEA start to saturate? This threshold may depend on the alpha factor (how sensitive the sensor is at the time) What are we trying to do? Investigate when saturation really happens! Find a simple method of producing a warning flag to say whether the HEEA sensor is working well is suspected of undercounting due to saturation is certainly undercounting due to saturation Method to be adaptable so as to be applicable to all data products

17 Illustration of HEEA saturation in high fluxes when calculating moments in these cases we should: –use TL1L2B instead of TH1H2B (i.e. use LEEA only where LEEA & HEEA partially overlap) –use LEEA instead of HEEA (if LEEA & HEEA cover the same energy range) HEEALEEA HEEA density underestimated Status_CountStats: Saturation Studies

18 Illustration of HEEA saturation in high fluxes Left: HEEA peak count rate < 1.0 x 10 4, HEEA matches LEEA*3.75 (i.e. GF matched) Right: HEEA peak count rate should be > 1.0 x 10 4, but HEEA matches LEEA*3.75 only when the count rate is below ~ 1.0 x 10 4 Status_CountStats: Saturation Studies

19 Example for 3DR: SC3 and SC4; 88m28-72m12 mode: all polar angles are summed Good agreement HEEA=3.75*LEEA (black line) Clear saturation at high counts. Status_CountStats: Saturation Studies

20 3.75*LEEA, cnts/acc Example for 3DR: SC4 (zoomed in lower panel) 68m08-68m08 mode: all polar angles are summed Part of dataset shows good agreement HEEA=3.75*LEEA (black line) but not all Less clear cut case – possibly the divergent curve is associated with low MCP gain intervals - investigation ongoing. Status_CountStats: Saturation Studies

21 MSSL Missing data For each mission day we have compared the expected data (based on commanding) with data in the IDFS archive at MSSL (CAA data is generated by further processing of this IDFS archive) We found problems which were not corrected by re-processing. Some were due to spacecraft/instrument anomalies, but many were not. Next step, verify quality of raw data files for subset of these cases Table shows results for 3DR, 3DX, 3DF, NOI, LER, CORE for all s/c

22 Dataset Issues PEACE instrument issues (i)Broken anode in C3-HEEA (1 of 12) needs workaround as appropriate. No progress. (ii)Sensitivity can no longer be assessed by usual method for C3-LEEA (from 10 Apr 2007) and C4-LEEA (from 16 May 2006). Development of alternative approach is in progress (See presentation by Natasha Doss).

23 Dataset Issues Supporting dataset issues (i)We thank the WHISPER team for their delivery to CAA of magnetosheath/solar wind active sounding electron densities through to December 2008. We hope that density data for 2009 will be available soon. We cannot deliver good PEACE 2009 data from C3 and C4 sensors without kind help from WHISPER! Respectfully request that this gets high priority please (i)Non-availability of EFW potential in higher density environments in first half 2006. Prevents our calculation of moments (e.g. also PEA PP). Progress reported at the current meeting by EFW: method to use a subset of the probes which had less saturation - availability? (i)Non-availability of EFW potential after Sept 2008 via CSDS (or after Dec 2007 at CAA). Request for updates resulted in CSDS data for Aug, Sept 2008. Prevents our calculation of moments, which is needed for cross-calibration and CAA PEACE deliverables (and also CSDS PEA PP). Respectfully request that this gets high priority please – perhaps CAA deliveries will answer this point. (new issue: -ve potential?!)

24 Dataset Issues User Feedback (i)Scalemax/min values for some parameters did not encompass the range of actual values. Minor problem for users, not major. Has been corrected by production of improved headers, delivered to CAA on 26 Jan 2010. (ii)Report of occasional bad record in PITCH_SPIN (metadata error re number of energy levels in a spin record). Cause tracked to a since-corrected file production code error, relating to sensor power off. Affects some years only. Minor problem for users, not major. Can be corrected during proposed redelivery.

25 DAA/PEACE Some of the variable names we use can be rather long, once the file ID is appended for example Data_Temperature_ComponentPerpendicularToMagField__C1_CP_PEA_MOMENTS (68 characters) On conversion from.cef to.cdf, some new variables with even longer names are introduced Data_Temperature_ComponentPerpendicularToMagField__C1_CP_PEA_MOMENTS_LABEL_1 (68+8 = 76 characters) Data_Temperature_ComponentPerpendicularToMagField__C1_CP_PEA_MOMENTS_REPRESENTATION_1 (68+17 = 85 characters) However these names may be truncated as they exceed a 64 char limit associated with.cdf (or so I am told). We are considering whether to alter some of these variable names! Mullard Space Science Laboratory Dataset Issues User Feedback (iii)Long parameter names (conversion between.cef and.cdf)

26 Personnel CAA Post occupied by Natasha Doss STFC funding for PEACE Operations (“Post Launch Support”) changed on 01 April 2010. Was 4.15 FTE, now 3 FTE for 9 months after which support expires

27 Priorities Generate Calibration V6 Update/extend GF corrections combining WHI-PEA comparisons and PEA internal calibration results Update/extend inter-anode calibrations using new GFs Validity 2001-8 (unless EFW and WHI provide 2009 data soon) Deliver first release 2008 data, starting with 3DR, MOMENTS, PITCH_SPIN Documentation Updates before the next Review Completion of Status Parameters 2001-8 Prepare “final release” 2001-8 data (primary science products first) Cal V6, Status parameters, bug fixes, missing data correction when possible, etc

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