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Alexander K. Kofinas & Nan Jiang BITE Department, Engineering School, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, United Kingdom Contact:

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander K. Kofinas & Nan Jiang BITE Department, Engineering School, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, United Kingdom Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander K. Kofinas & Nan Jiang BITE Department, Engineering School, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, United Kingdom Contact:

2 1. Vision 2. Engagement 3. Achievements

3 To develop skills for students in a student-centred collaborative, cross-years (Y1/Y2) environment BP1 (& BP2) is the outcome of merging two separate modules into one: a taught course and a project-like assessment; the taught course does not provide project management skills thus I rely on other courses. Thus BP 1&2 aim to be integrative courses integrating the learning outcomes of all other courses in years 1&2.

4 To overcome the feeling of otherness, the basis of all iniquity one needs extensive exposure to the other. It is when the other becomes us... Therefore a lot of emphasis in this assignment to exposure to various otherness: a. The otherness of fellow students b. The otherness of the supervisor c. The otherness of the client

5 Composition: 20% Widening participation students 20% Mature students 20% Grammar School students In the total student population 30-40% of the students are either 1 st or 2 nd generation African British students

6 Two main problems with all university team-based assignments: 1. People stick with their friends (ghettoing of the classroom) 2. If put in teams not of their choice we have conflict often due to different cultures and understandings The challenge: How to overcome both issues in an equitable, inclusive and fair manner while promoting intercultural learning, engagement with others and inclusion in learning.

7 Much thought in forming the BP teams: a. The 2 nd year students are split in teams of three students of different strength as judged from first year results. These teams are formulated by the tutor b. The 2 nd year teams recruit 1 st year students through a simulated job fair. It is a competitive process where 2 nd year students chose their “employees” and the 1 st year students chose their “employers”


9 The resultant teams are multi-cultural, and are inclusive and diverse as well as self-formed and self-managed. High expectations for high quality results from EACH team; real projects and real contacts with the clients (student empowerment) A rewarding experience and some impressive results


11 Business Project Students - Supervisor Student – Student (1 st -1 st / 1 st -2 nd / 2 nd -2 nd ) Students - client

12 Employee (1 st Year)Employer (2 nd Year) Independent Consultant (3 rd Year) Activities CV for job application Interviews with 2 nd year companies Record of engagement Peer review assessment Employee experience Activities Bid for projects (their clients) Preparation of marketing material for job fair Recruitment and management of the 1 st year employees Project management Delivery of final report Activities Mentor the BP teams Delivery to client specs and understanding of research repercussions to academic & practitioner context Do research on a real project on their own

13 Principal Agent Client Demands Project Scope Context Content Creativity Control


15 Year 2009-10Year 2010-11 Clients710 (2 repeats) Students35 (2 nd Year) 70 (1 st Year) 62 (2 nd Year) 90 (1 st Year) ReportsAmateurishSome achieved high standards Client Satisfaction Unknown or Low (results were not communicated) High (positive Feedback from two clients; constructive feedback from 4 clients); all wish to engage next year. Client Engagement Very lowHigh: engagement in bids; meetings during project period; Attendance of final presentation Student Engagement Records 8791632

16 RateQuestion Number: 4.0(1) I enjoyed the teamwork in the BP. 4.3(3) I was able to fully express my ideas during the interaction with the team 4.2(5) I was able to make unique contribution to the teamwork of BP. It is clear from the responses that the majority of students felt very comfortable working within their teams and in the interactions with their fellow business project team-members

17 We have had a fantastic real-life business opportunity. During the course we were able to create close relationship with our clients, gained amazing insight and experience I thought that the BP was a bit too much work with all exams going on, but I thought it was not bad working in the BP as a team Working with this group has made me become more confident and develop my team skills

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