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THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Yesterday and Today. An eye for an eye … In an attempt to deal with lawlessness, people were carrying enforcement of laws and punishment.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Yesterday and Today. An eye for an eye … In an attempt to deal with lawlessness, people were carrying enforcement of laws and punishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Yesterday and Today

2 An eye for an eye … In an attempt to deal with lawlessness, people were carrying enforcement of laws and punishment too far. (in O.T. times) In an attempt to deal with lawlessness, people were carrying enforcement of laws and punishment too far. (in O.T. times) “ An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth… ” “ An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth… ” NOT to increase punishment, but to LIMIT punishment. ONLY an eye for an eye, NOT an ARM for a loaf of bread! NOT to increase punishment, but to LIMIT punishment. ONLY an eye for an eye, NOT an ARM for a loaf of bread! The punishment must fit the crime. The punishment must fit the crime.

3 10 Commandments 1. No false gods. 2. Don’t use God’s name in vain. 3. Keep Sabbath 4. Honor parents 5. Don’t kill 6, No Adultery 7. Don’t steal 8. Don’t lie about another (give false witness). 9. Don’t covet neighbor’s wife. 10. Don’t covet neighbor’s goods.


5 1. I am the Lord your God, you shall place no other Gods before Me. OLD TESTAMENT Implies “henotheism” rather than monotheism Implies “henotheism” rather than monotheism Many Gods were worshipped Many Gods were worshipped Place “Yahweh” above all the others. Place “Yahweh” above all the others. NEW TESTAMENT Prioritize Values Prioritize Values Be true to our deepest beliefs Be true to our deepest beliefs Can even apply to an atheist! Can even apply to an atheist! Respect the “things” of God as well. Respect the “things” of God as well.

6 2. You shall not take God’s name in vain. OLD TESTAMENT Believed to invoke divine power which had powerful effects. Acceptable to use in cursing true enemies. NEW TESTAMENT Have respect for God’s name. Avoid words that offend. (Words have MEANING!) Mean what you say!

7 3. Keep the Sabbath Day holy. OLD TESTAMENT Sabbath (Shabbat) = sundown Friday through sundown Saturday. (“seventh”) Day God “rested” NEW TESTAMENT Sabbath = Sunday (The day Jesus rose from the dead). Sunday Mass Take time for God

8 4.Honor your mother and father. OLD TESTAMENT The Israelites were nomads Patriarchs were leaders of tribe or clan. Needed to maintain civilization NEW TESTAMENT Honor includes: A. respect B. affection C. gratitude D. and commitment to grow in love within the family.

9 5. You shall not kill. OLD TESTAMENT OLD TESTAMENT Kill = murder (unjustifiable homicide) One could kill in self-defense. One could kill in self-defense. NEW TESTAMENT Could also include: murder, suicide, euthanasia, war, abortion, hostage taking, kidnapping, terrorism, etc. ALSO INCLUDES: Killing spiritually or emotionally through anger.

10 6. You shall not commit adultery. OLD TESTAMENT Matter of “justice” Violated “property rights.” (women property of husband) NEW TESTAMENT Commitment to the marriage by both parties. Physical AND EMOTIONAL fidelity.

11 7. You shall not steal. OLD TESTAMENT Taking other’s property. Especially -- the stealing of people! (kidnapping) NEW TESTAMENT Taking property. Also: not to cheat, or damage another’s property AND: To be good caretakers – (earth, animals, etc.)

12 8. You shall not give false witness against your neighbor. OLD TESTAMENT Critical to the Hebrew’s legal system: 2 people testifying against someone could put them to death NEW TESTAMENT Perjury is wrong. Also against: dishonesty in general, gossip, slander, spreading rumors, etc. Respect for: reputation, privacy, and personal freedom

13 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s spouse. OLD TESTAMENT Like the 7 th commandment, it is a matter of “justice.” Like the 7 th commandment, it is a matter of “justice.” NEW TESTAMENT  Respect for the love/relationship in this marriage.  Rejects: moral permissiveness or an “anything goes” attitude.

14 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. OLD TESTAMENT Stealing property, other than a neighbor’s spouse. NEW TESTAMENT Against attitudes of: a. greed b. putting money above other values c. jealousy Not resenting the good fortune of others.

15 “The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet’ and any other commandment, are summed up in this, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Romans 13:9

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