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(A brief history of the Jewish people) Moses By:Melanee, Sarah and Nina.

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Presentation on theme: "(A brief history of the Jewish people) Moses By:Melanee, Sarah and Nina."— Presentation transcript:

1 (A brief history of the Jewish people) Moses By:Melanee, Sarah and Nina

2 Who was he? *Background* ❏ Born as a Jew, was an Israelite (Son of Abraham) ❏ From Levi tribe (priestly duties) ❏ Given up as an infant, by his mother in attempt to protect him ❏ Raised by pharaoh's daughter, like he was Egyptian royalty ❏ Educated, trained, familiar with Pharaoh's courts, Egyptian worship, learned writing and literary skills ❏ At 40 became angry at Egyptian soldier and killed him for striking a Hebrew slave ❏ Ran away to Midian and married

3 Who was he? *Background* Became a shepherd and God spoke to him form a bush of fire and told him to return to Egypt to lead God revealed “Yahweh” to him Delivered 10 commandments from Mount Sinai Story told in book of Exodus

4 Who was he? *death* Died at 120 because... -Did not accept God’s offer originally when asked to lead the Hebrews to the promised land -Struck a rock for water to come out, when God said to speak to it Numbers 20:12, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.” Result: Died at the age of 120 before setting foot in the promised land because lack of faith

5 Who was he? *Characteristics*Solitary personality ❏ Speech defect ❏ Had a unique role in his lifetime ❏ Anti-hero, but born to lead ❏ At first was reluctant to speak on God’s behalf ❏ Human- not perfect and dealt with struggles in life ❏ Symbol that anyone can change and it’s never too late to start (Accomplish a dream play at a professional level at a sport)

6 When did he exist? 2368 years from creation (1393 B.C.) At a time when Israelites were slaves to Egyptians and treated harshly Israelites were increasing in number, which worried pharaoh with a thought of rebellion Great injustices and wavering hope

7 What did he experience that was significant? Of all the people in Judaic history, Moses is one of the most prominent figures. The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible were dedicated to him and they show the connection he had with God. These books also show the many ways that Moses helped the Hebrew people to worship Yahweh according to God’s holy law.

8 What did he experience that was significant? Moses was a very significant person for the Jewish people because he acted as their deliverer. He was found as a child and was raised in the Pharaoh's court. He received God’s calling and led the Jews to the Holy Land that God had set aside for them.

9 What did he experience that was significant? The story of God speaking to Moses out of the burning bush is a very significant story from his time. Moses encounters God on Mount Horeb and God reveals himself in flames of fire. The flames were a way to get Moses’ attention and to call him to free the children of Israel from the Egyptians. This was the very first time that the Bible used the word “holy” with reference to God.

10 What did he do that was significant? Moses established God’s laws, which are known as the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the laws and principles relating to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in Judaism. Those who doubted Moses and his abilities soon came to know that God’s law was delivered through him, and they no longer questioned him.

11 What did he do that was significant? Moses was sent by God to convince Pharaoh to free the Israelite people from bondage, but he was not easily persuaded. God had to provide a great deal of help so that Moses could complete the mission. The Pharaoh was eventually persuaded when Moses foretold the 10 plagues of Egypt, such as water turning to blood, locust invasions, and the death of the firstborn male child unless the Hebrew slaves were freed.

12 What did he do that was significant? One of the most known events associated with Moses is the parting of the Red Sea to allow the Hebrew slaves to flee Egypt. He also brought fresh water to the people by striking a rock with his staff when they were all suffering from thirst in the desert.

13 What are some lessons that we can learn from his experience? God fights battles when you need it: ❏ In story of Moses God see’s to it that his people would be delivered from Egyptians -Despite being primarily hesitant of speaking on God’s behalf Moses does, so God helped him along the way -Sent 10 plagues, which the last one lets his people go -Pharaoh changed his mind, so God parts the Red Sea, then makes the waters as they were -Advancing Egyptians drown, die and wash up on shore for all the see *Moses and his people had nowhere else to go, but God led the way

14 What are some lessons that we can learn from his experience? Real life ex. Parents divorced/ having a difficult relationship/ something took an unexpected turn and you don’t know how to proceed Nothing is impossible for God God will help if we are willing to believe and faith that he will take care of the situation Knows what's best for us and how to achieve it because he is the creator of everything Nobody really knows what they want in life, have to be led to it- must be open Exodus 14 : 14, “The LORD will fight for you, you need only to be still.” (Context: Moses and hebrews standing before Red Sea.)

15 What are some lessons that we can learn from his experience? The lesson of having a personal relationship with God: One of the things that Moses accomplished was to have a strong relationship with God. This is evident from his face-to-face encounters with God at the burning bush, and when he received the Ten Commandments. The Bible says that when God first manifested his presence up on top of Mount Sinai, all of the other Israelites were scared of God. They told Moses that he should not go up there to talk to God but he did anyways because he was not afraid of him.

16 What are some lessons that we can learn from his experience? The fear that the Israelites had is the same kind of fear that many Christians still have today. They know that the Bible says that God wants to create a personal relationship with each of us, but are too afraid to approach him. Overall, it is a lesson to all of us to act as Moses did and not fear God. Moses has shown us that if we just approach God, we will be able to begin a new and faithful life.

17 Sources... ❏ Who was he? was-moses-was-he-more-than-an-exodus-hero/ was-moses-was-he-more-than-an-exodus-hero/ ❏ When did he exist? ❏ What are some lessons we can learn from his experience?

18 Sources... What did he experience/do that was significant? What are some lessons that we can learn from his experience? Moses.html Moses.html

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