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Principals of Adult Education & Training. The Four Facts About You  Each person writes down four facts about themselves, one of which is a lie. Sit down.

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Presentation on theme: "Principals of Adult Education & Training. The Four Facts About You  Each person writes down four facts about themselves, one of which is a lie. Sit down."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principals of Adult Education & Training

2 The Four Facts About You  Each person writes down four facts about themselves, one of which is a lie. Sit down if...  Everyone please stand up, then I will read through the following list. Two extremes  This is a simple ice breaker to get people up and moving and sharing their preferences or views on topics.

3 At the end of this short presentation, participants shall: Know and Understand the principles of adult learning Become more effective Patrol Trainers Have a greater confidence in the delivery of effective training with Patrollers

4 Most Adult learning is based on the work by Malcom Knowles who theorized that adult learners have a unique and distinct learning style.  Andragogy – a term introduced by Malcom Knowles to describe the science of helping adults learn.  Andragogical – learner centred method  Pedagogical – trainer centred method

5  Adults are Autonomous and Self Directed  Adults are Goal Orientated  Adults are Relevance Orientated  Adults have Accumulated Life Experiences  Adults are Practical  Adults need to be Shown Respect Just remember though “perception is reality”

6 The other day I was given an ATV (A Quad) for getting around the farm. I was so excited about it I had to share. Understand that a persons perception is limited to their own experiences. Reality is seldom aligned with thought

7 Motivation and Understanding - this is a fundamental aspect of adult learning. At least 6 factors serve as sources of motivation for adults. These are:  Social Relationships  External Expectations  Social Welfare  Personal Advancement  Escape Stimulation  Cognitive Interest

8  Unlike children and teenagers, adults have many past learning experiences that impact on their resolve or ability to learn at this stage in their lives and they must balance this against the demands or pressure of learning new things.  Because of these past experience it creates barriers to effective learning in the classroom.  Think how your own learning experiences and challenges impacted as you grew up.

9  Lack of Time and or Money  Lack of Confidence or Interest  Lack of Resources or Access  Fear of Failing or not Measuring up  The Need or Pressure to Learn to Comply  Peer Pressure or Social Discrimination  Conflict between Objectives and Rational

10  There are four critical elements to learning that must be addressed to ensure Patrollers learn, these are:  Motivation –  Trainers can set the tone for training.  Set clear objectives and scheduling  Set appropriate learning outcomes  Set appropriate learning difficulties

11 Secondly trainers can motivate patrollers through reinforcement -  Positive Reinforcement – Validation & Commendation  Negative Reinforcement – Action Vs Consequences When trainers are trying to change behaviours (old practices) they should apply both positive and negative reinforcement. i.e. “build up before you tear down”

12 Thirdly - Retention is paramount if the patroller is to benefit from the learning, therefore;  The level of retention will be directly proportional to the degree of original learning styles employed by the individual.  Remember you are training them, its about them not about what fits your delivery style or the way you were/have been previously trained.  Simply put… the patroller wont retain the information well If the delivery or the content is not presented well.

13 Fifth – Transference is the ability to use the things learned appropriately and with a certain degree of confidence and competency. Positive Transference Vs Negative Transference Similarity of Learning Vs Out of Range Learning Knowledge Base Vs Skill Set Acquisition “If you continue to do what you have always done you will always get the same result”! True or False?

14  You were blessed with 2 ears and 1 mouth  Its always better to Show than Tell (Hands On)  Don’t give Mixed Messages - Value the Training  Consider Culture, Language and Learning Barriers So, how well do you think you communicate???

15 How well do YOU Communicate?

16 Understanding the Effectiveness of Communication

17  Consistency is the Best Policy (CPNZ Web)  Engage with the Patrollers ( Don’t Lecture)  First try to understand only then can you be understood.  Listen, not to make a reply but to understand  Base the training on the K.I.S.S. Principles  Always Critique the learning to make sure the transference occurs (Wisdom Vs Knowledge)  Most of All, have fun, it’s a great way to learn!

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