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Specialists vs. Generalists. Specialists Animals that rely on a very specific source of food, shelter, or space. 1. Black footed ferret—only eats prairie.

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Presentation on theme: "Specialists vs. Generalists. Specialists Animals that rely on a very specific source of food, shelter, or space. 1. Black footed ferret—only eats prairie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specialists vs. Generalists

2 Specialists Animals that rely on a very specific source of food, shelter, or space. 1. Black footed ferret—only eats prairie dogs They kill by strangulation

3 Specialists continued 2. American Oystercatchers— only eat bivalves. 3. Chinese Panda—only eats bamboo 4. Everglades Kite—only eats freshwater apple snails

4 5. Manatees—require warm water and lots of aquatic plants. Limited range. 6. Indiana Bats—return to the same few caves to hibernate.

5 7. Red Knots—during migration eat primarily horseshoe crab eggs.

6 Generalists Animals that can eat a wide variety of foods or can live in versatile habitats. 1. Gray squirrels—eat acorns, berries, bird eggs, tree bark, fungus, etc. 2. Raccoons—fish, acorns, fruit, vegetables, earthworms, etc.

7 3. Cotton tail rabbit—vegetarian, and like all herbivores, have a varied diet. 4. Black bear—eat soft and hard mast fruit, grasses, carrion, and fish.

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