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Giant Pandas by Briann Here are some amazing facts about pandas. Giant Pandas generally live in China. They have 1 or 2 cubs at a time. Cubs weigh only.

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2 Giant Pandas by Briann

3 Here are some amazing facts about pandas. Giant Pandas generally live in China. They have 1 or 2 cubs at a time. Cubs weigh only 3 to 4 ounces 1/900 th of what their moms weigh. A panda’s habitat is leafy & sandy. A panda eats 5 different kinds of bamboo. And my belief is pandas ought to be fuzzy & warm. Those were my Panda facts I shared with you but there are more to come!

4 Here are some more panda facts like I promised. Did you know there is not that much pandas left in the wild there is only 1,600 left in the wild and less in zoos there are 160 left in zoos? Finally, as sad as it is pandas are endangered species. I will tell you more about endangerment right now because it is important. They are endangered because people are killing them, they are getting roundworms, and they are getting caught in traps set for other animals! It is sad, it’s really sad. But I have to go.

5 The Chinese government is helping pandas survive! They are putting money into helping them. They are planting bamboo and putting up penalties for getting killing pandas. You can help pandas also! You just have to send money to China to help pandas. Will you help pandas like the Chinese government?

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