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PORT OF TACOMA. Claim Resolution Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement Request Authorization for the Executive Director to enter into an agreement.

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2 Claim Resolution Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement Request Authorization for the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the City of Tacoma to resolve a claim related to construction of the Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation.

3 PORT OF TACOMA Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Delivery Spring 2011

4 PORT OF TACOMA By earlier mutual agreement, the area was used as a municipal landfill Landfill material increased project costs City may be liable under Washington State Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA), RCW 70.105D By earlier mutual agreement, the area was used as a municipal landfill Landfill material increased project costs City may be liable under Washington State Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA), RCW 70.105D Background Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement

5 PORT OF TACOMA The Port initiated a claim for differential costs related to: Completed work Pending work The requested action settles the claim The settlement terms are consistent with a November 2007 agreement which resulted in the acquisition of Julia’s Gulch The Port initiated a claim for differential costs related to: Completed work Pending work The requested action settles the claim The settlement terms are consistent with a November 2007 agreement which resulted in the acquisition of Julia’s Gulch Background Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement

6 PORT OF TACOMA ITEMCOST Port of Tacoma Share (60%) $751,252 City of Tacoma Share (40%) $500,835 Total$1,252,087 Costs for Completed Work Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement


8 ITEMCOST Port of Tacoma Share (60%) $395,218 City of Tacoma Share (40%) $263,478 Total$658,696 Estimated Costs for Pending Work Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement

9 PORT OF TACOMA ITEMCOST Completed Work$500,835 Pending Work$263,478 Total$764,313 Total Anticipated Recovery Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement

10 PORT OF TACOMA The Port re-commits to expending an equivalent sum Design and construct a public access project on Marine View Drive Create and/or restore estuarine habitat in the Tacoma Tideflats The Port re-commits to expending an equivalent sum Design and construct a public access project on Marine View Drive Create and/or restore estuarine habitat in the Tacoma Tideflats Additional Considerations Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement


12 Future Public Access

13 PORT OF TACOMA Next Steps Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement The Port will invoice the City in the amount of $500,835; City agrees to pay within 45 days The Port will invoice the City for its remaining share under the settlement agreement following completion of the overpass in 2011 The Port will invoice the City in the amount of $500,835; City agrees to pay within 45 days The Port will invoice the City for its remaining share under the settlement agreement following completion of the overpass in 2011

14 PORT OF TACOMA Work with stakeholders to design the public recreational access and the habitat restoration projects Provide milestone updates Request contract authorizations as stipulated by Master Policy Resolution 2009-04 Work with stakeholders to design the public recreational access and the habitat restoration projects Provide milestone updates Request contract authorizations as stipulated by Master Policy Resolution 2009-04 Next Steps Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement

15 PORT OF TACOMA Claim Resolution Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Settlement Request Authorization for the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the City of Tacoma to resolve a claim related to construction of the Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation.





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