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Algebraic Expressions

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1 Algebraic Expressions

2 Definition of Terms Variable Algebraic Expression
A symbol that represents one or more numbers, usually a letter Algebraic Expression A meaningful collection of numbers, variables and signs, positive or negative, of operations that make a mathematical and logical sense.

3 Definition of Terms Term Evaluate
A basic unit of an algebraic expression Either a number or a product of number and one or more variables Example: -3ax Evaluate When you substitute numbers for the variables in an expression and follow the order of operation. Numerical coefficient Variables Literal coefficients

4 Evaluating an Algebraic Expression
Evaluate each expression for the given values of the variables. 4a + 7b + 3a – 2b + 2a; a = -5 and b = 3 2. 5y – 3z + 4y – z – 3y; y = 3 and z = -2 3. -k2 – (3k – 5n) + 4n; k = -1 and n = -2 -30 26 -16

5 Do this… Evaluate each expression for the given values of the variables.
3y – (4y + 6x); x = 3 and y = -2 -5(x + 2y) + 15(x + 2y); x = 7 and y = -7 -d2 – 4(d – 2c) ; c = -3 and d = 5 The expression 16t2 models the distance in feet that an object falls during t seconds after being dropper. Find the distance an object falls after 2 seconds. How about after 10 seconds? -16 -70 -69 64 ft; 1600 ft

6 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Properties for Simplifying Algebraic Expression Let a, b, and c represent real numbers. Definition of Subtraction a – b = a + (-b) Definition of Division a ÷ b = a/b = a• 1/b, b  0 Distributive Property for Subtraction a(b – c) = ab – ac Multiplication by zero a • 0 = 0

7 Properties for Simplifying Algebraic Expression Let a, b, and c represent real numbers.
Multiplication by -1 -1 • a = -a Opposite of a Sum -(a + b) = -a + (-b) Opposite of a Difference -(a – b) = b – a Opposite of a Product -(ab) = -a• b = a • (-b) Opposite of an Opposite -(-a) = a

8 Simplify by combining like terms.
2x2 + 5x – 4x2 + x – x2 -2(r + s) – 2(2r + 2s) y(1 + y) – 3y2 – (y + 1) -3x2 + 6x -6r – 6s -2y2 – 1

9 Do this… Simplify by combining like terms. 6r + 3s + 2s + 4r
xy + 2x + x 3(2x + 1) – 8 7b – (3a – 8b) 10r + 5s xy + 3x 6x – 5 -3a + 15b

10 Finding Perimeter Find the perimeter of each figure. 10x 10c + 2d 1.
2. 3c 2c d 3c – d 3 6c – 2d 3x y 2x – y 2x 3x – y 10x 10c + 2d

11 In-class activity Homework Do the worksheet assigned to you.
Page 15 #s 36 – 37 Page 16 #s 42 – 46, 47 – 48

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