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Welcome To Room 15 Second Grade Miss Becking Room 15

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2 Welcome To Room 15 Second Grade Miss Becking Room 15

3 Getting to know Miss B.

4  BA in Liberal Studies  Multiple subject teaching credential  Been teaching for over 5 years in a variety of environments pre K-5  Second year in Mt. Pleasant School District Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

5 In order to have a successful learning community and to help my students grow I have three goals. To teach them… Independence Respect Responsibility Please help me along this journey. This Year…

6 Email: Phone:408-223-3750 Website: Communication

7 8:15- 8:30: Morning work 8:30 9:00: ELD 9:00- 9:45: English Language Arts 9:45- 10:05: Recess 10:05-10:15: Read Aloud 10:15-11:25 Universal Access/Daily 5 11:25-11:45: Work block 11:40-12:15: Lunch 12:15-12:25: Calendar Math 12:25-1:15: Math 1:15-1:45: Social studies/Science 1:45-2:35: Writing/P.E. 2:35- 2:45: 10 minutes to dismissal duties Schedule

8 What will the students be learning this year?...

9 Reading This year in reading we will learn:  Daily 5  Literacy Centers  Reading Independence  Deeper Comprehension  Smoother fluency  Vocabulary and word knowledge

10 This year in math we will learn:  Place value up to 1,000  Mental math strategies to build fluency in addition & subtraction within 100  Simple ideas about multiplication & division  How to measure different objects with the appropriate tools  Identify shapes and their characteristics Math

11 This year in writing we will learn:  Narrative (biographies, family history, autobiographies)  Expository (opinion, reader’s response)  Informational (how to’s, science projects, book reports) Writing:

12 This year in science we will learn:  The scientific method  Role of technology in science  Using scientific tools  Forces (push & pull, magnets, gravity)  Life cycles (plants & animals)  Soil layers (rocks, fossils) Science:

13 This year in social studies we will learn:  About the world we live in and out responsibilities as citizens  Family history  Geography and Mapping skills  Biographies of people who made a difference in our world  Basic economics and how individuals effect the economy Social Studies

14  Art  P.E.: Usually Tues, Thurs afternoon  Library  Computer  VAPA: music/chorus  STEM: science Specials

15 - Behavior Ladder  Start on Ready to Learn  Move up to Outstanding, Great day, good day  Move down to Think  about it, parent contact -Think tank: safe place to reflect and discuss with teacher Behavior Plan

16  Homework for the entire week goes home on Mondays in their folder  Must be turned in on Friday at 8:15 or be accompanied by a note from guardian or students will use 10 minutes of their recess to complete  Graded for completion not necessarily accuracy(it is meant as added practice not an assessment)  Behavior chart goes home on Fridays needs to come back Mondays signed  Spelling test goes home to be signed on Wednesdays and should be brought back on Thursdays in Wed folder Homework

17  The purpose of grading is to communicate how well a student is doing in a particular subject area  I use rubrics as well as check check plus check minus  All work due by the end of the trimester -O= Outstanding -S= Satisfactory -N= Needs improvement -U= Unsatisfactory  Some assignments are corrected for completion but not graded- such as hw- you will just see a stamp Grades

18  Sent home every Wednesday  Must be returned on Thursdays  May have student work that can stay at home  PTA fliers  Important school information and reminders  Scholastic order forms Wednesday Folders

19 Field Trips  We have two planned as of right now we are working on a third as well  We will be meeting and letting you know more when we have more information  Working farm: ties in with Social Studies (mid November)  Monterey Bay Aquarium: ties in with science (March)

20  Any questions you can write on the post it and leave on back easel- I will get back to you  Students are allowed to bring a reusable water bottle for their desks- please send them with one  Please sign up for a conference time on the back table if you haven’t already! Last but not least…

21 Thank You For Coming!

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