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Welcome to Pre-K Orientation 2015-2016. Meet the Teachers Mrs. Sessions - PKA Mrs. Childers - PKB Mrs. Morgan - PKC Mrs. Adams - PKD Mrs. Klinefelter.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Pre-K Orientation 2015-2016. Meet the Teachers Mrs. Sessions - PKA Mrs. Childers - PKB Mrs. Morgan - PKC Mrs. Adams - PKD Mrs. Klinefelter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Pre-K Orientation 2015-2016

2 Meet the Teachers Mrs. Sessions - PKA Mrs. Childers - PKB Mrs. Morgan - PKC Mrs. Adams - PKD Mrs. Klinefelter - PKE

3 Pre-K Philosophy of Learning The role of the school, parents, and community is to create a safe and supportive environment for all students to learn and thrive. Our goal is to provide a planned educational environment, rich in learning experiences, so that a positive foundation for the future will be nurtured.

4 Pre-K Expectations Pre-K students must be toilet-trained. This means they can independently use the bathroom. Please make sure your child always has a change of clothes at school because we know accidents happen. *After 5 accidents, your child may be removed from the program.

5 Attendance and Absences Students are allowed to miss 10 days by SC Law. These 10 days include deaths in the family, sick days, and vacation. Administration does not approve family trips. We believe in bell-to-bell teaching. Every minute of every day is important in our classrooms. Our school day begins at 7:35 and ends at 2:10. If your child is going home a different way than normal, please send a note in his/her communication notebook. You may also email the teacher to let her know. We must have a note to make a transportation change.

6 A Day in the Life of Pre-K Morning Meeting - We begin our day with a morning meeting. Students may share about their morning, read a morning message, greet each other, and sing songs to start our day.

7 Literacy Block Shared Reading - Using big books and other texts, we will practice reading strategies, as well as, concepts of print. Literacy Groups - Students will work independently and in small groups with the teacher or assistant. We will work on our letter of the week, cutting skills, following directions, letter and sound recognition, and much more. Independent Reading - Students will have time during the day to visit the classroom library and read books of interest to them.

8 Writing Journal Writing - Students will use their composition notebooks as their writing journals. We will write every day. We will begin the year drawing pictures and then move to labeling our pictures and writing about our pictures. Handwriting - We use the Handwriting Without Tears program. We will practice one letter a week during our handwriting groups. Our handwriting groups will practice writing this letter (uppercase and lowercase) correctly and practice fine motor skills.

9 Math Groups - Students will practice math in small groups. Some groups will work independently, while others work with the teacher or the assistant. Students will learn to count to 20, add and subtract to 5, patterns, recognize and write numbers to 10, and much more. Calendar - Students will learn the days of the week, months of the year, patterns, weather, and counting on during our calendar time.

10 Free Choice Centers - Students will be able to choose a center in the classroom at least once a day. Recess - Students will go outside for recess, weather permitting. Snack - Snack fees are $87 for the year. Lunch - 12:35-1:05. You are welcome to come have lunch with your child! Please do not come to lunch the first two weeks of school, so that we can establish lunch time rules and routines. Rest Time - 45 minutes a day Special Activities - Music, Art, Library, Technology/Guidance, PE

11 Science and Social Studies Students will learn about a variety of topics in PreK. Some of these include magnets, community helpers, animals, ocean life, friends and families, and transportation.

12 Communication Notebooks A white three-ring binder will come home each day with a monthly homework calendar, reading log, and other classroom/school information. Please use the clear zippered pouch to send notes or money from home to school. Also, be sure to check the zippered pouch for notes from your child’s teacher. When sending money, clearly mark on the envelope what the money is for (lunch, book fair, field trip, pictures, etc.). Please make sure this notebook comes to school every day!

13 Weekly Newsletter A weekly newsletter will be emailed to you on Friday afternoon for the following week. The newsletter will contain important information for the upcoming week, as well as reminders and school information.

14 Classroom Visits Instead of home visits this year, we will have classroom visits. During this time, teachers and assistants will answer any questions you have. We will also assess students to get to know them better and help us prepare for the beginning of the school year. On the day of the visit, please be a few minutes early and meet your child’s teacher near the library doors. We will walk your child to our classroom, and then will return your child to you when we are finished. You may pay snack fees and bring any school supplies at this time.

15 First Days of School Students will report to their classroom on the first day of school. After the first day, students will report to their holding room. PreK students will wear a transportation tag for the first 4 days of school. Teachers will put the tags on students as we dismiss in the afternoons. As a reminder, please do not come to lunch the first two weeks of school so that students can get used to the cafeteria procedures. We ask that parents refrain from walking their child in after the first few days. We encourage independence, and this is one small way that helps your child to become more independent as they begin school.

16 Other Forms Volunteers - We love volunteers in our classroom! If you would like to volunteer, please complete an application on the district’s website. Free and Reduced Lunch Forms - your child’s teacher has these if you need one.

17 Nurse Park Please let Nurse Park know if your child has any type of food allergy. If medication needs to be given at school, please complete a medication form and return to Nurse Park. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher and/or Nurse Park.

18 Thank you for attending our orientation session tonight. We look forward to getting to know you and your child. We know that children learn best when there is a strong parent, teacher, child team. We thank you for your support as we teach your child and ensure they are safe, happy, and learning while under our care.

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