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U.S. Symbols Unit Vocabulary. Preamble the introduction or first section of a document, such as the U.S. Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Symbols Unit Vocabulary. Preamble the introduction or first section of a document, such as the U.S. Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Symbols Unit Vocabulary

2 Preamble the introduction or first section of a document, such as the U.S. Constitution

3 U.S. Constitution A set of rules that tells how the country should be run.

4 Citizen a member of a state or country

5 Immigrant A person who leaves one country to live in another.

6 The place where many immigrants entered the United States. Ellis Island

7 Statue of Liberty a gift from France to celebrate our friendship

8 our country’s national anthem Star Spangled Banner

9 Francis Scott Key The man who wrote the Star Spangled Banner.

10 James Madison known as the “Father of the Constitution”

11 anthem the official song of a country

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