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Chapter 7 Cognition Intelligence.  Chapter 8 s at how one uses knowledge to analyze situations, solve problems, make decisions and use language.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Cognition Intelligence.  Chapter 8 s at how one uses knowledge to analyze situations, solve problems, make decisions and use language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Cognition Intelligence

2  Chapter 8 s at how one uses knowledge to analyze situations, solve problems, make decisions and use language.

3 Thinking: manipulating mental images (not physically present) in order to draw conclusions. 2 main ways of “thinking”: Mental Images & Concepts 1. Mental Images  What #’s 1-10 only have curved lines? * mentally visualize & then look at the image of each #.  Not limited to “pictures” from images that involve senses. Example: create mental image of taste & texture of peanut butter.

4 2. Concepts  We form categories for objects, events or situations that share similar characteristics. Example: The concept “Food” = Sardine to an Apple

5 Language: System for combining symbols to produce meaningful statements.  With little effort, you produce hundreds of new sentences every day.

6 Intelligence: The potential ability to acquire new ideas or behavior, personality, emotions etc…  IQ 100 = Average  IQ 140+ = Gifted  IQ 55 = Moderate Retardation  IQ / Intelligence is not how smart or dumb you are but equals aptitude (talent or ability).  IQ is NOT highly correlated with race.  IQ does relate with socio-economic status.

7 Intelligence Tests:  Stanford-Binet  WISC III (15 years & below)  WAIS III (16 years & above)  Wisconsin (retardation)  Terman or Mensa (genius)

8 Mensa or Terman  Social organization for geniuses  Looks at how smart you are against the “smartest” * First one takes the WAIS (score 140 ) * Then one takes the Mensa moyVuE

9  Howard Gardner  Gardner says there is not just one intelligence but 8 intelligences


11 1. Linguistic  Able to communicate well with others  Can read and comprehend well  Counselors 2. Logical-Mathematical  Scientists  Word problems 3. Spatial  Build things and know how it all works 4. Bodily Kinesthetic  How well one uses their bodies  Athletic  Can walk and chew gum at the same time

12 5. Musical/Artistic  A. Creativity (Draw, Paint)  B. Appreciation (Exposure to many things) 6. Interpersonal  Get along well with “others” 7. Intrapersonal  Know “yourself” well  Have common sense 8. Naturalist  How one interacts with the outdoors

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