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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW RACE KEY CHEMISTRY MATTER AND ENERGY TEST."— Presentation transcript:


2 SECTION 1 1. In which section of the graph is all of the substance a liquid? A. A to BB. C to DC. B to CD. D to E 2. Where would melting be occurring? A. A to BB. C to DC. B to CD. D to E

3 SECTION 2 1. Which of the following is NOT matter? A.graniteB. airC. heatD. Sand 2. Which describes a solid substance? A.definite shape and indefinite volume B.indefinite shape and definite volume C.definite shape and volume D.indefinite shape and volume 3. What type of chemical change are you observing if you mix two substances together and heat is given off? A.endothermic B. exothermicC. precipitationD. Sublimation 4. Which of the following cannot be broken down into simpler substances? A. heterogeneous mixture B. solutionC. elementD. compound

4 SECTION 3 A) Distillation B) Chromatography C) Fractional crystallization D) Filtration E) Titration 1.Technique utilized to separate a mixture of liquids based on differences in their boiling points A 2.Technique utilized to separate a mixture of sand and water D 3.Technique most commonly used to separate heterogeneous mixtures D 4.Technique used to separate a homogeneous mixture based on particle size B

5 SECTION 4 Classify each of the following as a physical (P) or a chemical (C) change. 1.Melting ice P 2.Fizzing of an Alka-Seltzer in water C 3.Rusting iron C 4.Cooking an egg C 5.Exploding firecrackers C

6 SECTION 5 Classify each of the following as an element (E), a compound (C), a homogeneous mixture (HOM), or a heterogeneous mixture (HET). 1.Aluminum E 2.Water C 3.pure ethanol C 4.Kool-aid HOM 5.vegetable soup HET

7 SECTION 6 Convert the following temperatures: 1.35 o C = 308K 2.300 K = 27 o C 3.Boiling Point of Water in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin 212, 100, 373 4.Freezing Point of Water Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin 32, 0, 273

8 SECTION -- For the remaining problems, LIST the equation (if applicable) that you will use and SHOW all of your work. Be sure to give your answer in the correct unit with the correct number of significant figures AND the correct unit. Use the factor label method where appropriate, and SHOW all of your work. Circle your final answer

9 SECTION 7 28.If the specific heat of copper is.38452 J/g o C, how much heat is required to raise the temperature of 54.8 g of copper from 29.0 o C to 100.0 o C? 1500J 29.What is the specific heat of a substance if 289 g of it gives off 159 J of heat when warmed from 29.2 o C to 464 o C? 0.00127 J/g degree C 30.Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) has a density of 0.785 g/mL. What volume should be measured to obtain 20.0g of liquid? 25.5mL 31.An unknown solid has a mass of 18.6g and a volume of 5.09 cm 3. Find the density 3.65g/cm3

10 SECTION 8 32.What is the basic unit of length in the metric system? m 33.How many significant figures are in the number 56,000? 2 34.657 kg =.657 Mg 35.Put in scientific notation:.0000000092 9.2x10 -9 (1.5 x 10 3 ) x (9.0 x 10 -5 ) = 1.4 x 10 -1


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