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Complementary colors Heater, 1964 Vija Celmins Oil on canvas 48” x 48”

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Presentation on theme: "Complementary colors Heater, 1964 Vija Celmins Oil on canvas 48” x 48”"— Presentation transcript:

1 complementary colors Heater, 1964 Vija Celmins Oil on canvas 48” x 48”

2 cool colors Lanyon Quoit Gordon Bennett Acrylic on hardboard 24” x 18”

3 warm colors Bowl with Oranges Pamela Scott Wilke Oil on board 30 x 38cm.

4 analogous colors Two-faced Portrait 1997 Colette Calasascionne Oil on wood 14” x 12”

5 low key colors Dark Circles, 2000 Jennifer Bartlett Oil on canvas, 36” x 36”

6 high key 4 Lanes, 2000 Jaq Chartier Acrylic, wax on wood 30” x 24”

7 earth tones Fragments of Nature Gordon Bennett Acrylic on hardboard 22” x 18”

8 triadic Buffalo Hunter, 1994 Ernesto Pepion oil on canvas 47” x 49”

9 tetrad The Red Teapot Terence Clarke Acrylic on canvas 46 x 46 cm

10 What technique did the artist use? What is the color scheme? What is the theme?

11 Untitled, 2000, Anne Seidman, watermedia on ragboard on wood, 7” x 9”

12 Untitled, Lily Prince, 2000, fingerprints with acrylic on paper, 54” x 34”

13 0115, 2003, Valerie Rhoades, oil on wood panel, 12” x 12”

14 Grid #12, 2001, Louis Cameron, acrylic and gesso on floor, 34” x 65”

15 Mumbo Jumbo, 2001, oil on wood, 48” x 48”

16 Leky - Beany, 2001, Julie Gross, oil on linen, 48” x 48”

17 Introvert/Extrovert, 2000, Ellina Kevorkian, acrylic on canvas, 60” x 48”

18 Vibe III, 2002, David Moore, acrylic on linen on panel, 36” x 36”

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