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By: Spencer.  The reason why I chose this topic is because I like John Deere. I also chose it because I want to learn more about their company. I also.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Spencer.  The reason why I chose this topic is because I like John Deere. I also chose it because I want to learn more about their company. I also."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Spencer

2  The reason why I chose this topic is because I like John Deere. I also chose it because I want to learn more about their company. I also wanted to because I want to see how many things John Deere has, that others don’t.

3 John Deere was founded in 1837. In this time they had only a blacksmith shop. They had little things to do. Then when time went on it got bigger and bigger. John Deere is now found nation wide.

4 Believe it or not John Deere was the creator of John Deere Co. John was born on February 7 th, 1804.When John was only 4 his father was lost at sea leaving their mother at home with John and his 5 brothers and sisters. To help his mother out, John got a job where he ground bark in exchange for little money. Then in 1821, John was 17 years old, John left home. He became an apprentice to a prosperous blacksmith. John was paid $30 dollars. After he completed his apprenticeship in 1825. Then John married Demarius Lamb.

5 Tractors Combines Mowers Backhoes Balers Plows Cultivators Gator Corn head Bean head Dump trucks Cotton pickers


7  I will never put my name on a product that does not have in it the best that is in me.

8  John Deere equipment has uses for mowing lawn, cultivating, planting, harvesting, baling, and many more. John Deere has helped when disasters hit. John Deere has a foundation. John Deere donates $250,000 dollars to the Red Cross every year.

9 John Deere employs over 50,000 people worldwide. John Deere’s first tractor was named Dain.

10  Well you don’t have to tell me John Deere is better. It is the top leading dealer. I agree with especially Charla Montag she knows she likes Deere. John Deere has way more products with better employees. Plus they have great deals at John Deere.

11 There is a telehandler on 2 wheels. There is a red truck to the left of them. There are trees in the distance. The machine is digging dirt. There is a gravel road by them. There is some liter by them to. It has a cab on the telehandler.

12  &um=1&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=623&tbm=isch&tbni d=qijvK_LaazLd6M:&imgrefurl=http://www.easyvecto logo2&docid=j9LAxaLkRMyoPM&imgurl=http://www. deere- logo2.jpg&w=425&h=327&ei=buOjT6fgIpDqgQe7- vWNCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=725&vpy=296&dur= 903&hovh=197&hovw=256&tx=137&ty=180&sig=1 17752056648485643341&page=1&tbnh=116&tbnw =151&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:0,i:174

13  n+deere+tractor&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=102 4&bih=623&tbm=isch&tbnid=89bHvHaCPbx- VM:&imgrefurl= School/FirstJD.html&docid=ZwyDR1ik5klbpM&im gurl= W.jpg&w=334&h=266&ei=9OKjT_fwGYrcgQfo69 G8CQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=281&vpy=144&du r=375&hovh=200&hovw=252&tx=161&ty=97&s ig=117752056648485643341&page=1&tbnh=1 33&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r: 1,s:0,i:76

14  um=1&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=623&tbm=isch&t bnid=mSwJzZrf- vHxzM:&imgrefurl= graphics/tag/john%2520deere%2520logo&docid =5fvrv9x3qTh6CM&imgurl=http://th261.photob 520deere/john_deere_logo.jpg&w=450&h=306& ei=pOOjT- 6KNZPtggfcz52zCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=195 &sig=117752056648485643341&page=2&tbnh =122&tbnw=180&start=15&ndsp=17&ved=1t:4 29,r:9,s:15,i:193&tx=95&ty=77

15  /corporate/our_company/about_us/  /products/  Http://

16 


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