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Integration of data and on- demand data products generation Ingo Simonis – OGC Europe GEOSS Future Products Workshop Silver Spring, MD March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of data and on- demand data products generation Ingo Simonis – OGC Europe GEOSS Future Products Workshop Silver Spring, MD March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of data and on- demand data products generation Ingo Simonis – OGC Europe GEOSS Future Products Workshop Silver Spring, MD March 2013

2 Reality check There is not one ICT Technology to rule them all... 2

3 Reality check There is not one ICT Technology to rule them all... There is not one data structure to conquer all use cases... 3

4 Reality check There is not one ICT Technology to rule them all... There is not one data structure to conquer all use cases... There is not a unified way that people, especially scientists understand & utilize ICT's to perform tasks 4

5 Architect’s Perspective 5

6 Scientist’s Perspective 6

7 7 needs data

8 Scientist’s Perspective 8 has data

9 Scientist’s Perspective 9 wants to share data

10 Scientist’s Perspective 10 wants to share data X

11 Scientist’s Perspective 11

12 Scientist’s Perspective 12 R, SciPy, MASON, Excel scripts…

13 Scientist’s Perspective 13 R, SciPy, MASON, Excel scripts… Web Services??

14 What if 14

15 What if 15 Every service comes with a client?

16 What if 16 Every service comes with a client?

17 What if 17 Every service comes with a client? Every service shows how to add to it?

18 Man on his John Deere




22 How does one-service-one-client help? How can we simplify data upload? Who is the GEOSS consumer? How do we get service providers established? 22

23 23 Thank you for your attention

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