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Precipitation. Infiltrating Filling small depression storage.

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Presentation on theme: "Precipitation. Infiltrating Filling small depression storage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Precipitation

2 Infiltrating

3 Filling small depression storage

4 Depressions filled, overland flow

5 Concentrating into small channels

6 Concentrating flow into larger channels


8 Change in flow through time (video 1)

9 Change in flow through time (video 2)

10 SCS Runoff Curve Numbers for Selected Land Uses (Bedient and Huber, 2002) Soil Group Types ASandy, well drained BSandy loam CClay loam; shallow sandy loam DPoorly drained; Heavy plastic clay; Swells when wet

11 Estimate the Curve Number and Lag Time for flow off the Lundstrum Park/Hillcrest Neighborhood 147.7 acres Lundstrum Park - 18.4 acres Hillcrest Elementary – 3 acres 4 houses per acre

12 Use StreamStats to identify catchment area and flow path Distance = 3,265 ft Elevation drop = 80 ft

13 SCS Rainfall Curves for different regions of the U.S.

14 NRCS Dimensionless unit hydrograph (Type II) t/T R q/q p 0.00.000 0.20.100 0.40.310 0.60.660 0.80.930 1.01.000 1.20.930 1.40.780 1.60.560 1.80.390 2.00.280 2.20.207 2.40.147 2.60.107 2.80.077 3.00.055 3.20.040 3.40.029 3.60.021 3.80.015 4.00.011 4.20.008 4.40.006 4.60.004 4.80.002 5.00.000 t/T R

15 Convoluted SCS unit hydrographs for 6-hr duration event

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