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PPP SIG Fifth Dissemination Event Taking stock…one year on 24 th February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "PPP SIG Fifth Dissemination Event Taking stock…one year on 24 th February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPP SIG Fifth Dissemination Event Taking stock…one year on 24 th February 2009

2 Summary SIG Purposes: Aide memoir Progress to date Meeting the sustainability challenge Building the community of practice Dissemination

3 SIG Purposes: aide memoire self-sustaining SIG and ‘community of practice’ for ‘PPP’, that adds value, builds capacity, and stimulates partnerships and networks; discussion and dissemination of the use and benefits of educational podcasting and its future uses; staff development focal point (from ‘novice‘ to ‘expert’); integrate ‘the student experience’ and ‘student views’ into SIG activities and deliberations; focal point for pedagogic research and investigation in podcasting (…and beyond?) directory of practitioners and information and guidance on practice.

4 Progress to date Start-up event – 27th February 2008 Five dissemination events; six Steering Group meetings JISC representation on SIG Involvement of 210+ practitioners Input and presence at ALT-C Links with other projects Wiki activity continuing to grow Book Project Rich input of ideas

5 Meeting the sustainability challenge Longevity and survival of SIGs and communities Sustainable community?... survey and needs analysis Demonstrating ‘products’, value, and benefit Take a broader view of podcasting…Digital Media Dynamic Wiki activity Book Project...scenarios; essays; case studies; thinking ‘Pedagogic purposes’…’educational podcasting’…is where we are Structure and sustainability formula… …well coordinated Hub and Spoke model; strong spokes...inter-HEI, inter-, and intra-faculty involvement From ‘engagement’ ‘community of practice’

6 Building the community of practice... what we need more of? Capacity, participation, and contributions Practitioner stories Student perspectives and stronger student dimension Widen out the voices...need ‘other’ and ‘more’ voices Spokes and regional activity Improved wiki structure (e.g. separate curriculum/subject areas; generic issues and experiences) Funding?

7 Dissemination Wiki…

8 The book: Creative Voices Contributions needed –welcome interest from people with ideas wishing to develop their writing experience through co-writing –academic standards must be maintained. Chapters on (e.g.): –History of media-enhanced pedagogy; –Creativity as a graduate attribute; –Comparing audio and video; –Creativity in digital media assignments; Case studies: <1,500 words. Diverse perspectives. We have a template. Peer review of 100 Ideas in the PPP wiki please! Contact:

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