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Vladislava Kudashova MSLU EALI Irkutsk 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Vladislava Kudashova MSLU EALI Irkutsk 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vladislava Kudashova MSLU EALI Irkutsk 2016
ELT Vladislava Kudashova MSLU EALI Irkutsk 2016

2 Classroom language Lexical areas Lexical set Grammar points
Course book Syllabus Recycle vocabulary Elicit the meaning from the students One each One between two Alien topic

3 Traditional approach vs. Learner-centred approach
PPP Presentation, practice, production TBL Task-based learning PBL Project-based learning

4 TBL stages Stage 1: The pre-task. The teacher introduces the topic and familiarizes students with situations/lexical areas/texts (reading and listening)). This draws the students into the topic and brings up language that may be useful. The teacher then explains what the task is and sets up the activity. Stage 2: Students perform the task in pairs or groups. They may then present their findings/conclusions to the rest of the class. In this stage, mistakes are not important; the teacher provides support and monitors. The learners focus on communication, perhaps at the expense of accuracy, but this will be dealt with in the next stage. Stage 3: The teacher works on specific language points which come up in stage 2. (During the monitoring stage, most teachers make notes of common errors and students’ particular learning needs). Students reflect on the language needed to complete the task and how well they did. This is their opportunity to concentrate on accuracy and make sure they resolve any doubts or problems they had. Tasks can be as simple as putting a list of animals in order from fastest to slowest and then trying to agree with a partner on the correct order. Or it could be something more complicated like a survey to find out which parts of town your classmates live in and how they get to school, ending in visual information presented in the form of pie charts and maps. Or it could be something really complicated like a role-play involving a meeting in the Town Hall of the different people affected by a new shopping centre development and the consequent demolition of a youth centre and old people’s home. Whatever the task, it should always have some kind of completion; and this completion should be central to the class - the language resulting naturally from the task and not the other way round.

5 English-speaking environment Culture
School A-levels Pub Offers Posh No nonsense hunger fix Fish and chips Bangers and mash Gammon and eggs

6 English-speaking environment

7 1. Skim/ gist reading 2. Scan reading 3. Detailed reading
What kind of reading? 1. Skim/ gist reading 2. Scan reading 3. Detailed reading

8 What kind of reading? A. Looking for your bus on a bus time-table
B. Reading the instructions to assemble a new wardrobe C. Reading a newspaper on a Sunday morning

9 Useful links

10 Writing a story

11 Planet Hara How long had the three astronauts been on the planet Hara?
What were they doing on the planet? What signs of life had they seen? Why did Kavanah leave the others and go off alone? How far away from the spaceship did he walk? When did he realise that something was folloiung him? Describe the creature that almost caught him. While he was running away, how did he know that the creature was just behind him? When he tripped and fell into the carter, what was he sure was going to happen? Why did Kabvanah get such a surprise? Can you think of a good title for your story?


13 Reading and Listening







20 1. convert, conversion 2. ensuite 3. annexe 4. mature 5. immaculately 6. Aga



23 1. well-equipped 2. facility 3. option 4. central heating 5
1. well-equipped 2. facility 3. option 4. central heating 5. to be persistent

24 You’re a couple with three children, a boy and two girls
You’re a couple with three children, a boy and two girls. You want a modern well-equipped house with four bedrooms and a courtyard garden. The house of your dreams is located not far from the centre of a big city with all the necessary facilities such as a supermarket, a hospital, a café, a post-office, a theme park and a school nearby. Your task is to buy a house which suits this description from the estate agent’s.

25 You’re an estate agency which can offer only one house at the moment
You’re an estate agency which can offer only one house at the moment. It is a one hundred year old house with tiny windows and small rooms. There’s only one bathroom and three bedrooms in the house. There’s a fireplace and no central heating. It is situated in a village and it takes 60 minutes to get to the nearest city centre by car. Your task is to persuade your customers to buy this house. Don’t state you have no other options available. Be friendly but persistent.

26 RECEPTIVE SKILLS PROCEDURE (reading & listening)
1. Create interest. 2. Feedback. 3. Pre-teach vocabulary for the gist task. 4. Set up the gist task. 5. Read the text once/ Play the tape once. 6. Let the students compare their answers in pairs. 7. Feedback. 8. Pre-teach vocabulary for the details task. 9. Set up the details task. 10. Read the text once/ Play the tape once. 11. Let the students compare their answers in pairs. 12. Feedback. 13. Pre-teach vocabulary for the productive task. 14. Set up the productive task (e.g. speaking). 15. Monitor. 16. Feedback.

27 Thank you! 

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