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January 14 th -15 th 2004 Recap of Day 1 Daragh Byrne – EPCC.

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Presentation on theme: "January 14 th -15 th 2004 Recap of Day 1 Daragh Byrne – EPCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 14 th -15 th 2004 Recap of Day 1 Daragh Byrne – EPCC

2 2 Grid and Web Services  XML and Web Services: –XML syntax –Declaring documents with XML Schema –SOAP and WSDL –Service-oriented architectures: Providers, consumers, registries  Grids: –Motivation: Collaboration and resource sharing amongst virtual organisations –Open standards as key to success

3 3 Grid and Web Services  Open Grid Services Architecture: –Dynamic, transient, stateful Grid Services –Basic behaviours of Grid Services –Platform- and implementation-agnostic protocols for resource access, sharing and integration  Open Grid Services Infrastructure: –Exploits and extends commonplace Web Services technologies to define set of behaviours for Grid Services –Basic portTypes and operations: GridService, Factory, Notification related, ServiceGroup related, HandleResolver –ServiceData for state representation –Extends WSDL to GWSDL –Identification with handles, location with references –Implementations of OGSI – many and varied

4 4 Microsoft.NET Framework  Collection of technologies for enabling collaboration  Software development platform (CLR, class libraries, compilers)  Concept of types in the CLR: –Value versus reference  Concept of an assembly  Metadata and its value to the CLR .NET standards and implementations  Class library functionality: XML, remoting, threading, graphics, IO etc…

5 5 Microsoft.NET and C#  A mix of concepts from other languages, with some new things  Strong typing, object-oriented  Garbage collection  Call by reference, enumerations, deterministic finalization  Authoring via csc compiler or Visual Studio  Selection of useful and unusual language features

6 6 Microsoft.NET  Assemblies: –Unit of code distribution –Unit of security –Consist of modules containing types –Versionable –Can work with assemblies programmatically  Metadata: –Attach metadata to types using attributes –Creation of custom attributes –Reflecting on types with the Reflection API

7 7 Microsoft.NET  ASP.NET: –Web development using IIS –Compiled, enterprise-class applications –Web applications (HTML applications) and Web Services (SOAP / WSDL applications) –Visual Studio.NET integration  Web Services: –Building your first Web Service –Using wsdl.exe

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