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Computer Lab Classroom Expectations Instructor: Coach Pierce Crooked Oak High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Lab Classroom Expectations Instructor: Coach Pierce Crooked Oak High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Lab Classroom Expectations Instructor: Coach Pierce Crooked Oak High School

2 Respect yourself Respect instructors Respect each other

3 Keep your hands, feet, books and objects to yourself. Follow teacher’s directions the first time. ABSOLUTELY no food, drink, or candy in the classroom No swearing, cruel teasing, rude gestures, loud talking, or put downs

4 Be respectful of the rights and properties of others. Be polite and courteous to other students, faculty, and staff in class and on campus.

5 Be productive Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time.  Turn in work on time, and always do your best. Be a problem solver  Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate. Absences  Ask teacher first for assignments or  Ask a classmate for assignments.

6 Be prompt  Be in assigned seat ready to work when the tardy bell finishes its ring. Be prepared Bring paper, pencil/pen, books, planner and completed assignment and equipment every day. Be a polite and positive participant  Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively.

7 When leaving the classroom, make sure you have logged out and the workstation is in proper order. Discard all used computer paper in the trash. Documents left on the printer will be thrown away. The chair should be pushed under the desk.

8 Do not leave the classroom at the end of the period until I dismiss the class. Remain seated until you are excused. Do not be up and walking around at the end of class. Definitely no standing at the door. You must have my permission to leave the classroom for any reason. No loud sounds from computer.

9 Keep feet, purses, books, and other personal items in the bookshelf. Never pull the cord to remove the plug from the socket. Report any malfunction of equipment to the instructor immediately. Operate equipment correctly and safely. Do not move equipment or tamper with cables. The hardware is set up and arranged in a necessary manner.

10 Do not share your logon ID and password with anyone. NO INTERNET GAMES (if all class work is completed early you may do meaningful research on the internet, science project, home work, etc.) This will require instructor permission.

11 Students may NOT change the settings on any computer without approval of the teacher or school technology coordinator. This includes wallpaper, background images, mouse speed, sound settings, etc

12 Students will not use unauthorized passwords, disclose confidential passwords, or enter or try to enter any unauthorized areas of the computer.

13 No copying of any software off classroom computers or the campus network or off program diskettes is permitted. This is also a federal law.

14 No student will work on the computers in a classroom unless there is an instructor present in the room The student must have received permission from an instructor before using the computer. While on the Internet, students are reminded that the District has the right to monitor the sites that students use.

15 Some Fridays will be a leadership day where classes will be doing BPA activities. Other Fridays will be used for personal finance lessons and life skills.

16 Since our student organization,BPA is co-curricular every student is a local chapter member of Business Professionals of America (BPA). In BPA students are given an opportunity to test their skills and knowledge with other students in the state of Oklahoma. In order to participate in any activities (Fall and Spring Leadership Conferences, State and National competition) students must pay a membership fee of $25.00 that will allow each to participate and to compete in the State and National Competition.

17 Gain real life skills Qualify for scholarships Make connections to the business worldMake connections to the business world Hold an office Participate in democratic electionsParticipate in democratic elections Publish in COMMUNIQUE, a national magazinePublish in COMMUNIQUE, a national magazine Earn awards and recognition Opportunity to participate in skills competitionOpportunity to participate in skills competition Become active in community service Meet people with similar interests Participate in conferences and workshops on regional, state, and national levelsParticipate in conferences and workshops on regional, state, and national levels Experience leadership development and team building techniquesExperience leadership development and team building techniques Experience personal and professional growthExperience personal and professional growth Lifetime opportunities


19 Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on: 40% Daily Work/Projects 40% Tests/Quizzes 20% Semester Tests Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F

20 Kleenex, copy paper, hand sanitizer, are always appreciated. Students can receive extra credit for bringing in supplies.

21 CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE  Verbal Warning  Teacher/Student Conference  Call/email Parent  Administration

22 HP LaserJet 1320tn Do NOT print until you are given prior instructions to do so.


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