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ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Ad ten Berg, Yvonne van Hattum ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 - Organisation 14 & 15 December 2010,

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Presentation on theme: "ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Ad ten Berg, Yvonne van Hattum ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 - Organisation 14 & 15 December 2010,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Ad ten Berg, Yvonne van Hattum ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 - Organisation 14 & 15 December 2010, Barcelona Ad ten Berg, Yvonne van Hattum

2 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Agenda Day 1 Tuesday 14 December, 2010 ARTEMIS Industry Association  2

3 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location AGENDA Day 2 Wednesday 15 December, 2010 ARTEMIS Industry Association  3 TimeMeetingLocationLevel 09:00-09:30Plenary Session Opening Day 2 Keynote presentation "Evaluation Criteria and Process" by Eric Schutz, Executive Director of the ARTEMIS-JU Tarragon + GironaLevel -2 09:30-10:00Plenary Session Information on the ARTEMIS Industry Association Partner Search Tool Planning & Organisation Day 2 Tarragon + GironaLevel -2 10:30-12:30Break Out Session 3 → Discuss possible sub-topics and further define project outline and consortia split-up or merge if needed Mallorca Menorca Rosas Sitges, Vilanova Cadaques Level -1 Level -2 12:30-14:00LunchHall CatalunyaLevel -2 14:00-15:30Plenary Session Report from Breakout Session Agreement on publication on ideas and contacts Tarragon + GironaLevel -2 15:30-16:00Closure and DrinksHall CatalunyaLevel -2

4 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Working Dinner Tuesday December 14  Buffet dinner (Restaurant Contraste, level 0) available only to those who registered for the dinner (and paid at registration desk)  Unfortunately, our shipment was lost… but arrives…  Please pay for dinner this afternoon at the desk ARTEMIS Industry Association  4

5 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Internet access  Network: PSofiaWnet  Username: Artemis  Password: Artemis  Documentation is on a webpage: URL:  It is not password protected ARTEMIS Industry Association  5

6 Brokerage Event, Organisation Ad ten Berg, Yvonne van Hattum ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 - Organisation 14 & 15 December 2010, Barcelona ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 - Organisation 14 & 15 December 2010, Barcelona Ad ten Berg, Yvonne van Hattum

7 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Organisation  Poster session  Informal session [‘Marketplace’]  Posters are grouped on ASP  Check which ASP is most relevant to you, the Break Out sessions are organised along the ASPs.  Each ASP is assigned to a meeting room, see hand-out  For each ASP Break Out Session:  A facilitator is available only to start the process  Facilitator will ask for two volunteers:  A chair to lead the discussion  A rapporteur to prepare a report in the ‘project idea’ template.  It is your session, take the opportunity, you are responsible to create your own success! ARTEMIS Industry Association  7

8 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project creation process [Day 1]  Break Out Session 1  Choose a chair and a rapporteur  Present project ideas in the ASP in max 2-5 min  Check interest and cluster project ideas, if possible  Split-up in smaller sub-groups for each project idea, if useful  Break Out Session 2  Continue working in the sub-groups per potential project  Re-arrange sub-groups, if necessary.  Continue discussion to form a rough project outline & project consortium  Prepare the presentation per project [use the project-idea template]  To be presented by the ‘rapporteur’ in the plenary session  Deliver ‘Project Idea’ slides to Ad ten Berg before the plenary on USB stick.  Back-up on e-mail:  Plenary session at the end of the first day  Presentation of all first rough project ideas by the ‘rapporteur’  Maximum of 1 minute per project idea ARTEMIS Industry Association  8

9 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Break Out Session [Day 2]  Break Out Session 3, for each project idea:  If applicable reconsider joining other sub-groups  Discuss possible sub-topics and further define project outline and project consortia  Split up if needed; avoid ‘Mega projects’  Finalise project outline and form initial consortium  Define follow up actions  Prepare final presentation by the ‘rapporteur’ in the plenary session  Use the ‘Project Idea’ template, max 1 minute per project idea  Deliver ‘Project Idea’ slides to Ad ten Berg before the plenary by USB  Back-up on email: ARTEMIS Industry Association  9

10 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Guidelines for Break Out Sessions - 1  Chair:  No NDA is signed, make sure everybody is aware.  Appoint a ‘rapporteur’  Take care of overall timing; stop non-relevant or too detailed discussions  Discussion:  Make an inventory of project ideas, technologies, and organisations  Cluster ideas to common research topics [but try to focus]  Identify organisations with a real added value  Avoid ‘Mega clusters’ of ideas; split up if needed ARTEMIS Industry Association  10

11 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Guidelines for Break Out Sessions - 2  Wrap Up:  For the contact person and the ‘rapporteur’ per cluster:  Complete ‘Project Idea’ templates per project before the plenary  Project Idea template is on the USB stick: ARTEMIS_Project_Idea_2010_Template.ppt  Bring the ‘Project Idea’ slides to the Plenary on USB stick  Presentation by ‘Rapporteur’ of the Project Idea(s) in plenary session:  maximum 1 minute per idea ARTEMIS Industry Association  11

12 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project Idea template [available on USB stick]  NAME of the project  Contact person  Short description [max ten lines]  Relevance to the content and objectives of the Call  R&D innovation and technical excellence  Science & Technology approach and work plan  Market innovation and market impact  Quality of consortium and management ARTEMIS Industry Association  12

13 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project Outline template [full text is available on the JU website] Section 1: Relevance and contributions to the content and objectives of the Call  1.1Relevance  Relevance to at least one of the Industrial Priorities  see section 3.1 in Annual Work Programme (AWP) 2011  Relevance to the sub-programmes  section 3.2 in Annual Work Programme 2011  Relevance to the overall ARTEMIS targets  listed in section 4 of the AWP ARTEMIS Industry Association  13

14 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project Outline template - II Section 2: R&D innovation and technical excellence  2.1Concept and objectives  Explain the concept of your project. What are the main ideas?  Describe the overall objectives of the project as well as the underpinning S&T objectives.  2.2Progress beyond the state-of-the-art  Summarise the main technological or scientific innovations, that you aim to achieve and why they would be important. ARTEMIS Industry Association  14

15 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project Outline template - III Section 3: Science & Technology approach and work plan  Summarise the approach that you are going to take in order to reach the objectives of the work. A detailed work plan is NOT needed at this stage. ARTEMIS Industry Association  15

16 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project Outline template - IV Section 4: Market innovation and market impact  4.1Impact  contribution to the expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant sub-programme  contribution to the general ARTEMIS targets.  application innovation in the context of the sub- programmes  Indicate the expected market impact of the results for the industrial partners. ARTEMIS Industry Association  16

17 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project Outline template - V  4.2Dissemination and exploitation  Summarise the plans and measures for the dissemination and exploitation of project results.  4.3Contribution to standards and regulations  Indicate any contributions to standards which may arise from the proposed project and explain their importance. ARTEMIS Industry Association  17

18 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Project Outline template - VI Section 5: Quality of consortium and management  5.1Management structure and procedures  5.2Consortium as a whole  Complementarity between participants.  Composition of the consortium is well-balanced in relation to the objectives of the project and in order to ensure exploitation of the results and to achieve the desired impacts. Show how the opportunity of involving SMEs has been addressed.  5.3Resources to be committed ARTEMIS Industry Association  18

19 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Break Out Sessions ARTEMIS Industry Association  19

20 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Room allocation Break Out Sessions ASP 1  Mallorca ASP 2  Menorca ASP 3  Roses ASP 4  Sitges ASP 5  Girona+Tarragona [Plenary Room] ASP 6  Cadaques ASP 7  Vilanova ASP 8  Girona+Tarragona [Plenary Room ] ARTEMIS Industry Association  20

21 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Miscellaneous  NDA: There is no NDA signed. Confidentiality is your own responsibility.  This is a networking session. Mobile phone numbers of participants are available in the back-office  Project description (10 liner) + Contact person will be published on the public web (unless the consortium does not want to publish this) ARTEMIS Industry Association  21

22 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location One-to-one meeting with JU project officers  From 15:30 until 17:00 there is an option to have a 15 minutes one-to-one meeting with a JU project officer.  You need to register for a time-slot at the registration-desk on a first come first serve basis. ARTEMIS Industry Association  22

23 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Documents  SRA 2006  MASP/RA 2011 [DRAFT]  AWP 2011 [DRAFT]  Guide for applicants [version Call 2010]  Project Outline Template [version Call 2010]  PCA ARTEMIS Industry Association  23

24 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Contact us We hope you’ll be present in this Call!  ARTEMIS Industry Association:  Website:  Phone + 31 88 0036 188 ARTEMIS Industry Association  24

25 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Messages:  WG Metrics will meet in room: Villanova from 19:00 to 20:00 today  Facilitators for Break-out session meet today in plenary room at 13:00 for a short briefing. ARTEMIS Industry Association  25

26 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Agenda Day 1 Tuesday 14 December, 2010 ARTEMIS Industry Association  26

27 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 Tuesday 14 December  Plenary 17:00 hrs

28 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Plenary presentations  All slides presented in this Plenary will be uploaded this evening on a webpage  It is non-searchable and there is no link on our homepage, so you need the URL below  It is not password protected  Any objections? Please inform us  URL: ARTEMIS Industry Association  28

29 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Dinner buffet  The buffet dinner is located in Restaurant Contraste on the entrance level of the hotel  Dinner starts at 20:00hrs  Access allowed only when you have a dinner sticker on your badge! ARTEMIS Industry Association  29

30 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Plenary session Tomorrow morning Start Plenary session 09:00hrs ARTEMIS Industry Association  30

31 Wednesday December 15 Plenary 09:00hrs ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 Wednesday 15 December  Plenary 09:00 hrs

32 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Conclusions of Day 1  All yesterdays results are available on:  URL: ARTEMIS Industry Association  32

33 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location AGENDA Day 2 Wednesday 15 December, 2010 ARTEMIS Industry Association  33 TimeMeetingLocationLevel 09:00-09:30Plenary Session Opening Day 2 Keynote presentation "Evaluation Criteria and Process" by Eric Schutz, Executive Director of the ARTEMIS-JU Tarragon + GironaLevel -2 09:30-10:00Plenary Session Information on the ARTEMIS Industry Association Partner Search Tool Planning & Organisation Day 2 Tarragon + GironaLevel -2 10:30-12:30Break Out Session 3 → Discuss possible sub-topics and further define project outline and consortia split-up or merge if needed Mallorca Menorca Rosas Sitges, Vilanova Cadaques Level -1 Level -2 12:30-14:00LunchHall CatalunyaLevel -2 14:00-15:30Plenary Session Report from Breakout Session Agreement on publication on ideas and contacts Tarragon + GironaLevel -2 15:30-16:00Closure and DrinksHall CatalunyaLevel -2

34 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Break out session [Day 2]  Break out Session 3, for each project idea:  If applicable reconsider joining other sub-groups  Discuss possible sub-topics and further define project outline and consortia  Split up if needed; avoid ‘Mega projects’  Finalise project outline and form initial consortium  Define follow up actions  Prepare final presentation by the ‘rapporteur’ in the plenary session  Use the ‘Project Idea’ template, max 1 minute per project idea  Deliver ‘Project Idea’ slides to Ad ten Berg before the plenary by USB  Back-up on email: ARTEMIS Industry Association  34

35 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Guidelines for Break out sessions  Chair:  No NDA is signed, make sure everybody is aware.  Appoint a “rapporteur”  Take care of overall timing; stop non-relevant or too detailed discussions  Discussion:  Make an inventory of project ideas, technologies, and organisations  Cluster ideas to common research topics (but try to focus)  Identify organisations with a real added value  Avoid ‘Mega clusters’ of ideas; split up if needed ARTEMIS Industry Association  35

36 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Guidelines discussion  Wrap Up:  For the contact person and the ‘rapporteur’ per cluster:  Complete ‘Project Idea’ templates per project before the plenary  Project Idea template is on the USB stick: ARTEMIS_Project_Idea_2010_Template.ppt  Bring the ‘Project Idea’ slides to the Plenary on USB stick  Presentation by ‘Rapporteur’ of the Project Idea(s) in plenary session:  max 1 minutes per idea ARTEMIS Industry Association  36

37 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event Call 2011 Wednesday 15 December  Plenary 14:00 hrs

38 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Miscellaneous  A summary Project description with contact person will be published on the public web  unless the consortium doesn’t want to publish thi s  Project leaders are invited to participate in promotion days  Evaluation forms by web application, will be send to all participants  ARTEMIS Partner Search Tool!  Go to: ARTEMIS Industry Association  38

39 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Events 2011  ARTEMIS Spring Event & General Assembly: 1 & 2 March 2011 – Nuremberg, Germany.  Summer Camp: June 2011 [expected]  Co-summit Event 2011: 25 & 26 October 2011 – Helsinki, Finland. ARTEMIS Industry Association  39  Click to edit footer into title presentation

40 ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, Organisation Date, location Thank your for your attention I wish you all a lot of success! Ad ten Berg

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