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1 User-Focused Engagement and Service Development Interactive Panel Discussion on Science Engagement TNC16 June 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "1 User-Focused Engagement and Service Development Interactive Panel Discussion on Science Engagement TNC16 June 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 User-Focused Engagement and Service Development Interactive Panel Discussion on Science Engagement TNC16 June 2016

2 2 Panelists Florence Hudson, Internet2 - Moderator Eli Dart, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Sylvia Kuijpers, SURFnet David Salmon, Jisc Jakob Tendel, DFN-Verein

3 3 Topics for Panel Discussion Funding and collaborations Partnerships Technical evaluations and services Lessons Learned Reaching the Researchers Barriers to Success Next steps

4 4 Questions/Answers and Next Steps Discuss where are the gaps, how can we begin to address these gaps (together)?

5 5 Funding and collaborations –Have you had success working on Science Engagement with your funding agencies? What works? –How do you fund initiatives, with agencies, members, collaborators (industry, standards organizations such as IEEE or others)? Partnerships –What are common barriers to the adoption of advanced services? How have you had success in overcoming those barriers or working around them? –How does the underlying sociology of the science collaboration affect their ability to use networks and other cyberinfrastructure? –How do we better enable science/research to leverage our high speed networks for improved or accelerated science outcomes? –Is there any pattern to successes? If so, what features are common to success? –How do we work with the local support staff at the universities to reach out to researchers?

6 6 Technical evaluations and services –How do we ensure security of data flows while ensuring the data flows are not affected? (David Salmon’s point) –Do you have any examples of how cyberinfrastructure practitioners or science/network engineers (what is the best term?) work best to better enable science leverage of our high speed networks for accelerated science outcomes? Lessons learned –What have you learned from engagement with researchers, scientists, senior leadership, or others that is most applicable to new relationships? –Getting scientists working with computing and networking people at the beginning of a project is critical - How do we bring this about?

7 7 Reaching the researchers –How do we find the researchers and scientists to enable their leverage of HPC and HPN together? –Is it one-on-one or is it more scalable? How? –What are some of the Mechanisms and modes of researcher outreach that we are trying or know work, at least in one area, and may be transferable across NRENs. Barriers to success –What are the barriers to success in science and researcher engagement? –Where are we stuck? –What obstacles do we have to overcome?

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