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WELCOME!! Please highlight your name on the sheet at the front of the class. This sheet will act as attendance and proof that you received your rule and.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME!! Please highlight your name on the sheet at the front of the class. This sheet will act as attendance and proof that you received your rule and."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME!! Please highlight your name on the sheet at the front of the class. This sheet will act as attendance and proof that you received your rule and case books. If your name is not on there make sure to add it.

2 Reminders Reminders to sign up on Arbiter for your on-court hours. Most of June is booked already. So get in there. Sign up for ONLY ONE practical, currently only 13 officials are signed up out of 50 that need one. Practicals are on July 20 th and 28 th. Observers; reminder about observation sheets and attendance. Study Guide opens June 15 th, information will be sent out. Exams will open soon, but no date yet. Thank you.

3 Agenda for Today 1. Signals (Rule 5) 2. Break 3. Officials Responsibilities (Rule 5) 4. Break 5. Game Management, Protocols and Procedures

4 Videos More videos were requested USA Volleyball videos Some differences in the rule sets; USAV vs NFHS Point them out and show me the rule reference and get candy

5 Signals Video ng_materials/2015-16/SignalsUS215/story.html ng_materials/2015-16/SignalsUS215/story.html

6 Signals Signal 1 – Illegal Alignment: Overlap. Player outside court. Improper server. Libero replacement after beckon. Illegal substitution or libero replacement. Failure to submit accurate line up or late submit. Late submit of roster.

7 Signals Signal 6 – Net Fault / Net Serve: Player touching net, cables, or antenna. Interference with opponent’s effort under or through the net. Served ball goes into, and not over, or goes under net. R1/R2 show number of player of net fault. Load right hand first, 10 is closed fist, zero is circle with all fingers. Let’s practice.

8 Signals Signal 7 – Legal Back-Row Attack: Only R1, only when needed. Signal 8 – Illegal Attack: Attacking a serve. Back row player attacking in front zone above net. Player attacking above net after libero set in front zone. Libero attacks above net from ANYWHERE.

9 Signals Signal 14 – Out of Bounds / Antenna: Ball lands out after crossing net. Blocked ball lands out on attacker’s side. Ball goes into net and lands out on attacker’s side. Ball hits net, cables or supports outside antenna, standard, pole. Over or outside antenna. Wall mounted backboard out of play.

10 Signals Signal 18 – Point: Rule Violation. Delay after 2 time outs. Red card or DQ. Requesting 3 rd TO.

11 Signals – R2 initiated calls Net violation: 1. Whistle (must be significantly louder than your R1’s whistle) (Single loud blast). 2. Step to offending side with demanding authority. 3. Signal net (do not reach across body or touch the net/pole). 4. Signal the number of the player that made the violation (load right hand first). 5. Wait for R1, then signal point together. 6. Then the R1 will repeat the number of the player to the offending team’s bench.

12 Signals – R2 initiated calls Center line violation: 1. Whistle (must be significantly louder than your R1’s whistle) (Single loud blast). 2. Step to offending side with demanding authority. 3. Signal center line violation (do not reach across body or change the angle of your arm). 4. Wait for R1, then signal point together. 5. The R1 nor R2 DO NOT repeat the center line signal.

13 Signals – R2 initiated calls Antenna violation: 1. Whistle (must be significantly louder than your R1’s whistle) (Single loud blast). 2. Step to offending side with demanding authority. 3. Signal out. 4. Wait for R1, then signal point together. 5. The R1 nor R2 DO NOT repeat the out signal.

14 Signals – R2 initiated calls Substitution: 1. Double whistle, short/short(must be significantly louder than your R1’s whistle). 2. Signal substitution. 3. Do not chase the subs, administer from where you are and make sure there is line of sight for scorers. 4. R1 repeats sub signal. 5. Signal authorization to enter. 6. After all is good give the game back to the R1.

15 Signals – R2 initiated calls Time-out: 1. Double whistle, short/long (must be significantly louder than your R1’s whistle). 2. Step to the side requesting the time-out. 3. Signal time-out and point to the court. 4. R1 repeats time-out signal and points to court. 5. R2 informally shows the R1 how many time-outs taken. 6. After time-out protocol the R1 and R2 mirror how many time-outs taken by each team. 7. After all is good give the game back to the R1.

16 Signals – R2 initiated calls After all R2 initiated calls, they should be ready to respond to a request from the head coach, during a dead ball, to identify a player at fault. The R2 shall turn and face that head coach and both verbally and physically give the correct information. Do not answer questions that have not been asked.

17 Signals – R2 informal signals 4 th contact Touch Ball down Illegal block Illegal attack Set point Illegal contact or double (when R1 screened) Any other informal signals?

18 Signals - Communication Signals are our primary means to communicate with the match participants. We need to get it right. Signals are one of the few things we can actually control in a match. Proper signals and mechanics show everyone, including your partner, what is going on.

19 Break 5 minute break.

20 Officials Responsibilities

21 The primary role of the official is to ensure that the actions of players, coaches, and other team personnel are in compliance with the rules. Try to establish the best possible climate for fair competition with the attention on the athletes, rather than being drawn to the official. Every official must strive to uphold the honor and dignity of the profession.

22 Officials Responsibilities Official's uniform 1. Solid white "Certified Volleyball Official" polo shirt. 2. Navy blue slacks. 3. Solid white leather athletic shoes and white socks. (not ankle socks) Official's equipment 1. A whistle and lanyard. 2. A coin. 3. A digital watch. 4. A set of yellow/red cards (R1 only). 5. Ball gauge/pump 6. Net measuring device. 7. Flags (optional but recommended)

23 Officials Responsibilities Part of being a good official is not limited to the time between the first and last whistle of a match. A good official also knows how to prevent problems. Being able to recognize possible symptoms of future issues is a hallmark of a good and observant official. Being able to prevent future issues will allow your match to be more about the players and their ability and less about external, non-volleyball related, forces.

24 Officials Responsibilities The authority of the volleyball officials (R1/R2) begins the moment they step into the gym. The officials have the ability and responsibility to make decisions about playing conditions and playing areas at this time. Their authority does not end until the R2 verifies the final score and leaves the visual confines of the gym. The duties of the officials extend to everything volleyball related during that time. This includes, but is not limited to, determining playable areas, uniform issues, calling the match, protocol violations, etc.

25 Officials Responsibilities – R1 Video ng_materials/2015-16/IntroR1US217/story.html ng_materials/2015-16/IntroR1US217/story.html

26 Officials Responsibilities – R1 Art 2: Position. Opposite score table on the stand. Top of pole at your belly. Art 3: During Set a. The first referee is the head official who shall: 1. Have general supervision of officials; 2. Make decisions on matters not specifically covered by the rules; 3. Make the final decision when there is disagreement between officials; 4. In the spirit of good sporting conduct, promptly handle any unexpected situation. Also, the first referee may replace a scorer, libero tracker, timer or line judge who is not performing his/her duties properly.

27 Officials Responsibilities – R1 Art 3: During Set c. The first referee shall: 1. Blow the whistle to start the set; 2. Blow the whistle for each serve and dead ball; 3. Recognize requests for time-out or substitution, if necessary; 4. Signal the outcome of every rally, give verbal clarification when necessary; 5. At end of TO, signal how many have been used by each team;

28 Officials Responsibilities – R1 Art 3: During Set c. The first referee shall: 6. Determine illegal hits; 7. Determine alignment of players on the serving team; 8. Recognize screens; 9. Determine net faults (mainly on attacker or setter, or if R2 is on wrong side); 10. Determine violations in the serving area; 11. Determine back-row player faults;

29 Officials Responsibilities – R1 Art 3: During Set c. The first referee shall: 12. Determine double faults; 13. Determine the number of hits by a player and team; 14. Determine ball in play and dead ball; 15. Determine loss of rally/point; 16. Grant time-outs, substitutions and line up checks; 17. Blow the whistle when both teams are ready for play prior to 60 seconds expiring and while the second referee is still checking the score-sheet;

30 Officials Responsibilities – R1 Art 3: During Set c. The first referee shall: 18. Call an injury time-out when a player exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion; 19. Administer cards for misconduct by players, coaches or team members, and inform them of such actions; 20. Administer cards for unnecessary delays; 21. Notify (or request the second referee to notify) the appropriate coach of reason for any disqualification; 22. Blow the whistle and signal “end-of-set” directing players to their respective benches or to switch sides;

31 Officials Responsibilities – R1 Art 4: Court Protocol; a. End of warms ups, R1 whistles and signals players to enter the court. b. Signal end of set, then switch sides, timer begins 3 minutes. c. Teams switch sides outside the court (doesn’t have to be outside standards) towards their new team benches. d. Deciding set: 1. Whistle, and signal end of set, direct teams to benches. 2. R2 double whistles and conducts coin toss at scorer table. 3. R2 shows R1 who is serving and if staying on same sides or switching sides. 4. R1 whistles for team to stay or switch sides. e. End of match, give end of set signal and release players to benches.

32 Officials Responsibilities – R2 Video ng_materials/2015-16/IntroR2US227/story.html ng_materials/2015-16/IntroR2US227/story.html

33 Officials Responsibilities – R2 Art 2: Position; On floor a. At the moment of the serve, the second referee shall be standing away from the net on the side of the receiving team to view illegal alignment. b. During a live ball, the second referee shall move quickly to the side of the net opposite the ball and concentrate on play by both the offense and defense near the net.

34 Officials Responsibilities – R2 Art 3: During set; a. The second referee shall assist the first referee by ruling upon situations which are clearly out of the first referee’s view. b. R2 is responsibilities are: 1. Whistle and signal for violations, subs and TOs; 2. Mirror the R1 on every signal (except?); 3. Assist R1 if no whistle was blown for a dead ball;

35 Officials Responsibilities – R2 Art 3: During set; 4. Determine receiving team’s alignment; 5. Net faults; 6. Center line faults; 7. Back row player faults; 8. Control subs; 9. Check lineups; 10. Manage illegal subs/replacements;

36 Officials Responsibilities – R2 Art 3: During set; 11. Grant TOs, subs, and line up checks; 12. End time outs according to our protocol; 13. Time injury/illness delays; 14. Signal how many TOs have been used before and after TO; 15. Notify coach when team uses 15-18 subs; 16. Check score sheet during TOs and at end of sets; 17. Inform R1 of set point;

37 Officials Responsibilities – R2 Art 3: During set; 18. Initial score sheet after each set; 19. Inform R1 of any unsporting conduct; 20. Ensure scorer records uniform issues, warnings/sanctions, delays or penalties on score sheet; 21. Confirm with scorer any delays; 22. Notify coach reason for a disqualification; 23. If no timer, time everything; 24. Conduct deciding set coin toss.

38 Break Break for 5 minutes.

39 Game Management - Philosophy “We are not the volleyball police.” “Just because a rule was violated doesn’t mean a penalty should be assessed.” “We are there to facilitate a game, do not get involved unless you need to.” “The match participants are the stars, NOT YOU.” Other than volleyball can you think a sport where an official makes a call and a team gets a point?

40 Game Management - Match Preparation Preparation for a match starts days before the match. Are your uniforms clean and pressed? Is your whistle clean? Are your shoes bright, shiny, and clean? Is your equipment in your car or bag and ready to go? Email your partner at least 3 days before match to confirm match start time and arrival time. Are you doing all of this?

41 Game Management - Match Preparation Video ng_materials/2015-16/GrdRulesUS211/story.html ng_materials/2015-16/GrdRulesUS211/story.html

42 Game Management - Arrival at Contest Arrive at facility with enough time to allow for after school traffic, parking, walking to the gym, and changing clothes if necessary. After all that you should be walking in the gym dressed and ready to work 30-45 minutes before match start time. If you arrive at the same time as your partner, greet each of the coaches together. Spend less than 30 seconds with the greeting. If you arrive separately, start checking the facility and equipment and wait for your partner and try to greet coaches together. Next check the net height, balls, and any non playable areas or obstacles in the facility.

43 Game Management - Pre-Match Conference Get to the point – take no more than 1 minute, if that long. Remind players/coaches about dead ball areas…. backboards, etc. Avoid saying things like, “the lines on the court are”, “who is your floor captain”, or “we are your officials for this match”, etc. Ask coaches if their teams are properly and legally equipped. Ask everyone if they are going to participate with good sportsmanship.

44 Game Management - Pre-Match Conference Talk about who is providing line judges, if there are any announcements, senior nights, or anything like that. Ask if there are any questions. Conduct coin toss, visiting team calls heads or tails in the air. If coin is dropped, the toss is performed again. Winner chooses serve or receive as the home team has already designated side. Ask coaches for their rosters (not line-ups), and excuse everyone from the meeting and start the warm up clock.

45 Game Management - Warm Up Protocol Warm Up Protocol can be found on the SCVOA website. Click on “Documents” and look for “Warm-Up Protocol - CIF-SS”


47 Game Management - During Warm Ups Identify line judges and instruct them. Gauge their knowledge and experience and cater it to that. Instruct the scorers and clock operators. At this time the officials should be checking for illegal equipment or jewelry. (Preventive officiating) Both officials should also be watching the teams warming up to get an idea of their level of play. This does not take but a minute or two. At no time is any team member(s) allowed to remove any piece of clothing that would expose any part of their body normally covered by their playing uniform while within the visual confines of the playing area, regardless of the intent of this action, including changing into or out of their uniform. If this action occurs, that player(s) shall be automatically sanctioned with an individual yellow card. The head coach also loses the privilege to stand during play for the duration of the match. If no roster was submitted at the pre-game conference and has not been received by the 10 minute mark, the penalty is loss of rally/point. Check any remaining equipment (balls).

48 Game Management - Pre-match w/Partner Conduct pre-game with partner: R2 will ask to the R1 “What can I do for you?” The R2 is there to give information and to make the R1 look good. The R1 will now tell the R2 what he expects during the match. With both participating in the conversation.

49 Game Management - Pre-match w/Partner How are we going to work as a team and get things right? Who calls nets and center line violations and when? What if the R2 is on the opposite side of where a violation occurs and might be screened? What do we do if both whistle at same time? What about touches or balls hitting the floor? 4 th contacts? Back row situations?

50 Game Management - Prior to Match Start Warm-ups have ended and we are in the 3 minute dead period. Line-ups are due at the 2 minute mark or the penalty is a loss of rally/point. Ensure the scorers have recorded all information correctly from the line-ups. The R2 should give a warning whistle when 30 seconds remain on the clock. The R1/L1 wishes a good match to the R2/L2 and walks across the court on the left side of the net and stops at the other sideline and turns around to face the court. The R2/L2 stands on the right side of the net facing the court. Now the R1 whistles for the teams to greet each other at the net. And then gets on the stand.

51 Game Management - Prior to Match Start

52 The R2 locates both teams line-ups. If both teams are on the court at the same time, check the receiving team first, if not check whatever team is on the court first. Stand on the side line to check the line-ups, do not enter the court. Ensure the players on the line-ups are on the court in the proper order. Give the authorization to enter signal to the libero, and make sure your libero tracker sees the exchange.

53 Game Management - Prior to Match Start Designate the captain to the R1 by pointing at the captain with an open hand, have them wave to the R1, use their name from the roster to get their attention. Now do the same thing for the other team, walk around the net post to get to the other side do not go under the net. Return the lineups to the score table and ensure your crew is ready. Roll/throw the game ball to the first server of the match. Scan the benches and surrounding court area for the any problems, then give the game to the R1.

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