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FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS: 1.You will need your writing folder today. 2.The only other item you need on your desk is a writing utensil.

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Presentation on theme: "FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS: 1.You will need your writing folder today. 2.The only other item you need on your desk is a writing utensil."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS: 1.You will need your writing folder today. 2.The only other item you need on your desk is a writing utensil.

2 DISCUSS: How does verb tense relate to TIME?

3 Consistency in Verb Tense ■Verb tense refers to verbs being in present tense, past tense, or future tense. ■Consistency of verb tense means using the same verb tense throughout a sentence or an entire paragraph. ■GRAMMAR RULE: Do not shift from one verb tense to another. –When describing events that occur at the same time, use verbs in the same tense. ■Example: INCONSISTENT VERB TENSE: I bought milk when I go to the store. FIX: I bought milk when I went to the store. FIX: I buy milk when I go to the store.

4 Answers: 1.I went to school to be a psychologist. It took eight years to get my degree. 2. I was speeding on the expressway. A cop approached with its flashing lights on. 3. Next Sunday I have to cook dinner for the whole family. I will buy all the food from Sam’s Club. 4. I always do my homework on Sundays because I go to basketball practice on Saturdays. 5. At the football game yesterday, the quarterback scored a touchdown and the crowd went wild. 6. We worked hard, practiced daily, and eventually won the championship.

5 It was 1850. A poor-German born salesman named Levi Strauss came to San Francisco trying to sell canvas cloth to tent makers. By chance, he met a miner who complained that sturdy work pants were hard to find. Strauss had an idea, measured the man, and made him a pair of canvas pants. The miner loved his new breeches, and Levi Strauss went into business. Although he ordered more canvas, what he got was brown French cloth called serge de Nimes, which Americans soon called denim. Strauss liked the cloth but had the next batch dyed blue. He became successful selling work pants to such rugged men as cowboys and lumberjacks. In the 1870s, he heard about a tailor in Nevada who added copper rivets to a pair of the pants to make them stronger. Strauss patented the idea. When he died in 1902, Strauss was famous in California, but his company kept growing. In the 1930s, when Levi’s jeans became popular in the East, both men and women wore them. By 2000, people all over the world had purchased 2.5 billion pairs of jeans.

6 CONNECTION to WRITING: GRAMMAR RULE: When writing in the genre of literary analysis, keep verbs in PRESENT tense. WHY? I am informing my reader about what the text says so I use the present tense. Incorrect: Brian was a character who changed throughout the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Correct: Brian is a character who changes throughout the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.

7 CONNECTION to WRITING: GRAMMAR RULE: When writing in the genre of literary analysis, keep verbs in PRESENT tense. WHY? I am informing my reader about what the text says so I use the present tense. Incorrect: Thomas Nickerson was the subject of the book Revenge of the Whale. He was only fourteen years old when his account of the tragedy began. Correct: Thomas Nickerson is the subject of the book Revenge of the Whale. He is only fourteen years old when his account of the tragedy begins.

8 Answers: In Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, the main character’s identity is influenced by conflicts in the novel. Kira gains a motherly instinct because she is an orphan. For example, Kira seems to be the only person in the village that understands that the kids are wild sometimes. Their own mothers hit them when they act out, but Kira knows that such a harsh reprimand is not necessary in every case. Also, when Matt runs away, Kira is more worried about him than his family is. Because she is crippled, she does not go after him herself. Even so, she keeps an eye out for him at the Gathering and celebrates when she finds him. Finally, when Jo cries for her mother, Kira knows what to say to comfort her. She kisses Jo’s forehead, and Jo says it is just like her mother.

9 WRITING WORKSHOP Revisit your Text-Dependent Analysis essays and edit for consistent verb tense (PRESENT).

10 There is one exception… ■When describing events that occur at different times, use verbs in different tense to show the order of events. –I play football now, but I played basketball in elementary school. ■Explanation: Because I am playing football in the present, the present tense form “play” is correct. My playing basketball occurred in the past and did not continue into the present; therefore, the past tense form of “played” is correct.

11 More Practice 1.Complete “Homework” on Notes sheet. Check your answers on the next slide. 2.Complete the additional worksheet on my website under “grammar link” and check your answers against the key.

12 A decade ago, many college students, especially freshmen, seem to have 1 trouble disciplining themselves. Such lack of discipline shows itself in a 2 number of ways. High school seniors who were neat and punctual in their work are plaguing one year later by late assignments that were sloppily done. 3 At times, assignments were missed altogether. Twelfth-graders who rarely missed school found themselves cutting classes. Moreover, the schedule 4 that once is calling for bedtime before 11pm and a rising of 7am has now become 5 a thing of the past. As bedtime is pushed further back – to 1am, 2am, and sometimes later – students find it difficult to rise and shine for that morning 6 freshmen composition class. Sometimes students will roll out of bed and attend in sweatpants; at other times, they merely rolled over and go back to sleep. 7 1.A. NO CHANGE B. Seems C. Seemed D. Seeming 2. A. NO CHANGE B. showed C. show D. will show 3. A. NO CHANGE B. is plagued C. are plagued D. were plagued 4. A. NO CHANGE B. misses C. miss D. are missing 5. A. NO CHANGE B. calls C. calling D. called 6. A. NO CHANGE B. found C. finding D. finds 7. A. NO CHANGE B. rolls over C. rolling over D. roll over

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