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TEACHER EVALUATION TRAINING Secondary Admin meeting March 10 2015 BY GLENN MALEYKO, Ph.D Executive Director Secondary Admin meeting March 10 2015 BY GLENN.

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Presentation on theme: "TEACHER EVALUATION TRAINING Secondary Admin meeting March 10 2015 BY GLENN MALEYKO, Ph.D Executive Director Secondary Admin meeting March 10 2015 BY GLENN."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEACHER EVALUATION TRAINING Secondary Admin meeting March 10 2015 BY GLENN MALEYKO, Ph.D Executive Director Secondary Admin meeting March 10 2015 BY GLENN MALEYKO, Ph.D Executive Director Wendy Zdeb-Roper MASSP. A few of the slides are based on a presentation by Jim Gullen Oakland Schools at the MIEM conference in Lansing on February 29th, 2012. The video protocol is based on work by Wendy Zdeb-Roper MASSP. Some of the Slides are also based on the Danielson iobservation training (Pam Rosa) from WCRESA on April 3rd and 4th.

2 Evaluation Components Observation Protocol / 1. The measurement of practice (what an educator does) based on a definition of practice that is clear, observable, commonly accepted, and supported by transparent measurement methods and instruments that are technically sound and validated against desired outcomes.

3 Evaluation Components Student Outcomes / 2. The measurement of student outcomes based on a definition of desired student outcomes that is clear commonly accepted, and supported by transparent measurement methods and instruments that are technically sound and validated against desired outcomes.

4 My Observation Routine / Surprise or pre-determined-- collect lesson plan / Observe in the class. Script using and ipad / Revise scripting using my formula / T= Teacher, S=Student, R= Recommendation, N = Note / Surprise or pre-determined-- collect lesson plan / Observe in the class. Script using and ipad / Revise scripting using my formula / T= Teacher, S=Student, R= Recommendation, N = Note

5 Observation Routine / Time taken / Use Chart data / Very specific with observation data. / Positive Aspects Listed / Recommendations for improvement / Specific Examples of how to improve / Time taken / Use Chart data / Very specific with observation data. / Positive Aspects Listed / Recommendations for improvement / Specific Examples of how to improve

6 Observation Continued / Then in the post conference / I am evaluating and thinking about the learner focused conversation continuum / Calibration, Consulting, Collaboration and Coaching / Then in the post conference / I am evaluating and thinking about the learner focused conversation continuum / Calibration, Consulting, Collaboration and Coaching

7 Danielson I-observation technique / 1. Verbatim, scripting of teacher or student comments / 2. non-evaluative statements of observed teacher and student behavior. / 3. Quantitative Data, time on task, assessment etc. / 4. Environmental observations / 1. Verbatim, scripting of teacher or student comments / 2. non-evaluative statements of observed teacher and student behavior. / 3. Quantitative Data, time on task, assessment etc. / 4. Environmental observations

8 Observation Protocol Samples / You will break into groups of 4. Two will read the effective observation and two will read the minimally/ineffective observation / Then you will have a discussion on what you read. / Report out activity will be next. / You will break into groups of 4. Two will read the effective observation and two will read the minimally/ineffective observation / Then you will have a discussion on what you read. / Report out activity will be next.

9 Read Observation / Implement 3-2-1 Strategy / Students are asked to reflect and respond to three prompts. Prompts can be designed to reflect content or skills being taught. / For example, list three ideas that you remember, two points that require further clarification and one action you will take based on the new learning. / Implement 3-2-1 Strategy / Students are asked to reflect and respond to three prompts. Prompts can be designed to reflect content or skills being taught. / For example, list three ideas that you remember, two points that require further clarification and one action you will take based on the new learning.

10 3-2-1 Strategy Activity / 1. List 3 points from the observation where you thought that important data was collected in the observation report. / 2. List 2 areas where you think data collected led to improvement recommendations. / 1. One action you will take based on viewing the example. / 1. List 3 points from the observation where you thought that important data was collected in the observation report. / 2. List 2 areas where you think data collected led to improvement recommendations. / 1. One action you will take based on viewing the example.

11 Learning Focused Supervision / Page 14-17 and pages 68-69 / Page 19-25 / Page 14-17 and pages 68-69 / Page 19-25

12 Final Word Activity / Read the section / Start from the right and each person makes a comment moving right. You can comment on other statements. / No cross talking / Last person in the circle receives the final word. No other comments until the next section is chosen. / Read the section / Start from the right and each person makes a comment moving right. You can comment on other statements. / No cross talking / Last person in the circle receives the final word. No other comments until the next section is chosen.

13 / A crucial conversation is a discussion between two people where 1 stakes are high, 2 opinions vary, and 3 emotions run strong. / Patterson / A crucial conversation is a discussion between two people where 1 stakes are high, 2 opinions vary, and 3 emotions run strong. / Patterson

14 / Strategic conversations are a series of targeted, individualized interactions with teachers designed to help them significantly improve the impact of their teaching behaviors on student achievement. / Jackson / Strategic conversations are a series of targeted, individualized interactions with teachers designed to help them significantly improve the impact of their teaching behaviors on student achievement. / Jackson

15 / Whenever you feel uncomfortable, have second thoughts, or try to avoid saying what you need to say, what you aren’t saying is hard conversation. / Abrams / Whenever you feel uncomfortable, have second thoughts, or try to avoid saying what you need to say, what you aren’t saying is hard conversation. / Abrams

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