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Google App Engine Mano Marks Developer Advocate. Problems building web applications Why Google App Engine? The App Engine Components What’s Next Questions?

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Presentation on theme: "Google App Engine Mano Marks Developer Advocate. Problems building web applications Why Google App Engine? The App Engine Components What’s Next Questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Google App Engine Mano Marks Developer Advocate

2 Problems building web applications Why Google App Engine? The App Engine Components What’s Next Questions?

3 3 Typical Web application requirements

4 4 … and if you ’ re app becomes popular …

5 Google App Engine

6 Run your web applications on Google Infrastructure

7 Easy to start. Easy to scale.

8 The Components

9 creative commons licensed photograph from cote 1. Scalable Serving Architecture

10 10 class MyHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): messages = db.GqlQuery('SELECT * FROM Message ' 'ORDER BY when DESC').fetch(100) values = { 'messages': messages } self.response.out.write( template.render('main.html', values)) def post(self): message = Message(who=self.request.get('who'), content=self.request.get('content')) message.put() self.redirect('/') Request Handlers

11 11 My Guestbook From: Message: {% for message in messages %} {{message.content}} from {{message.who}} at {{message.when}} {% endfor %} HTML Template

12 Wow, that's a big table! 2. Distributed Datastore

13 class Message(db.Model): content = db.StringProperty(required=True) who = db.StringProperty() when = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) Datastore Model Class

14 db.GqlQuery(“SELECT * FROM Message “ “WHERE who = ‘Mano’” “ORDER BY when DESC”).fetch(100) GQL Query

15 3. Python Runtime & Libraries

16 4. Software Development Kit

17 5. Web-based Admin Console

18 Other Capabilities

19 Memcache Send E-Mail Make HTTP Requests Authenticate with Google Accounts Image Manipulation Transactions

20 Relations are possible By reference Parent Child Schema-less Many small queries more efficient Everything revolves around the request and response No cron jobs Some things you’re not used to

21 500 MB Storage 11 GB Bandwidth / day ~ 5 Million Pageviews / month Free to Get Started

22 500 MB Storage 11 GB Bandwidth / day ~ 5 Million Pageviews / month Always Free to Get Started

23 More Languages Purchase Additional Capacity Large upload/download support Offline Processing What’s Next?

24 Questions?

25 Thank you!

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