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'The Necklace' by Guy De Maupassant

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1 'The Necklace' by Guy De Maupassant
Joseph B. Borgos Colon Prof. Marie Colon English-1010 National University College Online

2 Oral presentation: Analysis of a Short Story
The background of "The Necklace"? "The Necklace" takes place in Paris in the second half of the 19th century. Setting 1884 Paris, France Loisel's apartment, party at the Ministry of Education's Mansion Characters Madame Loisel Monsieur Loisel Madame Forestier The Plot This story is about a woman who unhappy with her social life. New conflicts take place after one conflict is resolved. Point of view of the story This short story is told from the 3rd person limited point of view. The author focuses on Mme. Loisel's thoughts and feelings Conflict Madame Loisel vs Herself (Excessive pride, materialism and shallowness cause her emotional torture to herself when she feel deprived of luxuries.

3 Analysis of a Short Story
The necklace symbolize? Desire for what one cannot have, differences in social classes, dishonesty What is the climax of the story? Madame. Loisel loses the necklace The rising action -Gets invited to ball -Madame Loisel borrows necklace -Goes to ball and she feels beautiful What is the resolution in the story? Mme. Forestier tells Mme. Loisel the necklace was fake!! (You do not need material things to make you happy)

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