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Elements of a Short Story Created by Mrs. Sammataro and Mrs. Fusaro.

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2 Elements of a Short Story Created by Mrs. Sammataro and Mrs. Fusaro

3 I. Character persons in a work of literature Protagonist-the character central to the story with all the major events having importance to him/her. Antagonist-the person who opposes the main character.

4 Character Round/Dynamic- complex, and undergo development that may be surprising to the reader. Flat/Static- uncomplicated and do not change throughout the story.

5 II. Types of characterization - techniques the writer uses to develop character A. Physical descriptionB. Speech and actions of the character C. Direct comment from the narrator D. Speech and actions of other characters

6 Characterization Direct- the author tells readers what the character is like Indirect-shows what the character is like without telling the reader

7 III. Plot - series of related events that make up a story

8 Plot

9 Exposition The opening paragraphs of a story which should, as quickly as possible, introduce the main characters, start the action and fill in enough exposition and setting to indicate the general atmosphere of the story Setting (time and place) Characters (any persons in the story)

10 Narrator The person telling the story First Person- the narrator is a character who refers to him/herself using “I” or “We” Third Person-all the characters are referred to as “he, she, it or they” –Omniscient-narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters –Limited-closely looks at one characters perspective

11 Literary Terms Mood-the emotional tone or general attitude Symbol-a sign that has further layers of meaning Foreshadowing-to present an indication or suggest something that will happen later in the story. Suspense-state of being undecided, uncertain and doubtful

12 Conflict External- the struggle between the protagonist and another character or an outside force Internal- struggle which takes place in the protagonist’s mind

13 Conflict Person vs. Person Person vs. Unknown Person vs. NaturePerson vs. Society Person vs. self

14 CLIMAX The point in the story where the protagonist’s problems are solved, where the reader’s curiosity is satisfied and his/her fears allayed and expectations fulfilled. The climax is the highest point of action in the story. Anticlimax An event, conclusion, statement, etc., that is far less important or powerful than expected.

15 Irony Verbal- a figure of speech in which what is said is different from what is meant Dramatic- is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play Situational- an outcome that turns out to be very different from what is expected

16 Falling Action/DenouementResolution  events that lead to resolution  outcome of the conflict

17 III. Theme The theme is the message of the story. The theme is not the same thing as the plot, which is usually made up by the writer to illustrate the theme. Example Theme: A really good man will help anyone who needs help regardless of whether that person is an enemy.

18 Themes of literature/ Analyzing characters A. Motivation - cause of actions B. Behavior - actions of the character *C. Consequences - results of actions D. Responsibility - moral, legal, or mental accountability E. Expectations -what they expected as a result

19 Semester Theme Choices and Consequences

20 Unit II: Short Stories The Most Dangerous Game Secret Life of Walter Mitty The Scarlet Ibis Blues Ain’t No Mockin Bird The Cask of Amontillado The Necklace

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