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The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL  spread world- wide.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL  spread world- wide."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL  spread world- wide Communism GOAL  “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. [George Kennan] METHODOLOGIES: 1.Espionage [KGB vs. CIA] 2.Arms Race [nuclear escalation] 3.Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy]  “proxy wars” 4.Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]

3 Post WW II  After WW II, two nations emerged as Superpowers. The United States – Capitalism & Democracy. The Soviet Union – Communism & Total Government Control.

4 Former Allies clash  Following WWII the US & Soviet Union were at odds over Eastern Europe.  Stalin had promised to allow free elections in countries occupied by Nazis.  He broke that promise and tightened his grip on Eastern Europe.  Stalin installed communist governments in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, & Poland  They were referred to as satellite nations, but also created a buffer zone.

5 US Response  The US adopted a new foreign policy to counter the Soviet expansion.  Containment – this was intended to contain communism where it was and not allow it to spread anywhere.  This policy would shape our foreign relations for the next 50 years.

6 Europe Divided

7 Germany Divided  Due to the standoff that occurred between the Soviet Union and the United States, Berlin became the symbol of the Cold War.  The Soviet Union controlled East Berlin and all of East Germany.  The United States dominated West Berlin as well as West Germany (along w/ Fr. & GB

8  Because of the division that occurred between Eastern and Western Europe, Winston Churchill stated that an “Iron Curtain” had descended upon the world. (Satellite countries)  The Soviet Union, in an act of defiance toward the United States, built a wall that divided East and West Berlin. This wall was known as the Berlin Wall.

9 The Truman Doctrine  Turkey and Greece both asked for money to defend itself against the Soviets.  Congress approved Truman’s request for $400 million in economic and military aid.  Any nation that resists the Soviets is a friend of the US. – Truman Doctrine

10 The Marshall Plan  Plan to pump economic aid into 16 Western European countries.  Created by Secretary of State George Marshall  Between 1948 – 1952 they received $13 billion in aid.  This was done to offset influence of communism.  Essentially paying nations to be our friends.

11 Military Alliances  NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Ten Western European countries joined with the US to form a military alliance.  Warsaw Pact – Soviet response to NATO. Soviet led alliance that included most of the Eastern European countries. Soviet republics were also members.

12 The United Nations  Following WW II a new “League” was formed with most nations of the world.  Its purpose was to be an international peace-keeping body.  Most power went to the Security Council with five permanent members – China, France, Great Britain, US, & USSR.  They also re-drew and established Israel.

13 Nuclear Threat  1945: The US dropped the atomic bomb on Japan  1949: Soviet Union detonated its own atomic weapon.  Brinkmanship – the willingness to go to the brink, or edge of war.

14 Cold War in the Heavens  In 1957 the Soviets launched the first satellite in space.  In response, the US poured money into public education because they felt they had fallen behind in technology (math & science).  By January of 1958 the US had launched its own satellite.

15 The U2 Incident  U2’s were high altitude planes used by the US to spy on the Soviet Union.  1960: The Soviets brought down a U2 pilot and his plane. They sentenced Gary Powers to ten years in prison but released him in 19 months.

16 The China Factor  Civil War: At the end of WWII China was in a Civil War. ○ Mao Zedong: Leader of the Communists ○ Chiang Kai-shek: Leader of the Nationalists  1949: Mao Zedong gained control of China  1950: China and the Soviet Union sign a treaty of friendship.

17 China  Mao had the military on his side.  The democratic opposition fought hard but could not win a civil war.  Chiang Kai-shek and his followers withdrew to Formosa.  Today, it is called Taiwan – source of friction between U.S. and China.

18 McCarthyism  Growing fear of communists and communism in the 50’s.  Sen. Joseph McCarthy began accusing gov’t officials of being communists.  The House of Reps formed HUAC – the House un-American Activities Committee to investigate reds.  Hollywood 10 were blacklisted.  Ronald Reagan defended them.

19 Korea post war  After WW II, Japanese in the North surrendered to the USSR  The Japanese in the South surrendered to the U.S.  The dividing line between the North and the South was the 38th Parallel

20 The Korean War  By 1949, the Americans and Soviets had agreed to pull out of Korea.  On June 25, 1950, the North Koreans, who were communist, attacked across the 38th.  President Truman decided that containment had to be put to use and the U.N. agreed.

21 The Korean War  Douglas MacArthur was placed in charge of Allied U.N. forces in the South  By September of 1950, the N. Koreans controlled most of the peninsula.  MacArthur countered with a surprise attack at Inchon. - Huge Allied Victory!

22 The Korean War  By November 1950, U.N. forces had driven across the 38th and up to the Yalu River.  The Chinese then entered the war by secretly pouring across the border.  By the end of 1950, almost all the fighting was done very near the 38th parallel. - Stalemate!!

23 The Korean War  General MacArthur argued that we needed to use nuclear weapons against the Chinese.  Truman disagreed.  MacArthur tried to go over Truman’s head. Spoke to Congress Spoke to the Press

24 The Korean War  MacArthur was fired!  By 1953, a cease-fire was signed and American troops began coming home.  The 38th parallel remained the dividing line after over 5 million military and civilian deaths.

25 The Korean War  Today, Korea remains divided with U.S. troops still stationed on the 38th.  The Korean War was never actually a declared war, but a police action.  It is often called, “The Forgotten War”

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