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Grid references Definition: The points of intersection between lines of latitude and lines of longitude. Lines of Latitude shows position north or south.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid references Definition: The points of intersection between lines of latitude and lines of longitude. Lines of Latitude shows position north or south."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid references Definition: The points of intersection between lines of latitude and lines of longitude. Lines of Latitude shows position north or south of the equator. Lines of Longitude shows position East or West of the Greenwich Meridian (London).

2 South Africa lies South of the Equator and East of Greenwich N N W W E E S S

3 Greater accuracy = subdivided into 30 seconds and 15 seconds 29  31  30  15  16  17  Latitude = progressively southwards Latitude = progressively southwards 60 MINUTES One degree latitude or longitude is split up into 60 minutes (’) Each minute is further subdivided into four equal sections called seconds (15”, 30” & 45”) One degree latitude or longitude is split up into 60 minutes (’) Each minute is further subdivided into four equal sections called seconds (15”, 30” & 45”) 15  10’00”E 30  20’00”S 10’20’

4 Greater accuracy = subdivided into 30 seconds and 15 seconds 30  29  59’ 15  10’15  11’ 15  12 30” 15” 45” One degree latitude or longitude is split up into 60 minutes (’) Each minute is further subdivided into four equal sections called seconds (15”, 30” & 45”) One degree latitude or longitude is split up into 60 minutes (’) Each minute is further subdivided into four equal sections called seconds (15”, 30” & 45”) 29  58’

5 Greater accuracy = subdivided into 4 equal sections of 15 seconds (eg.45”) 15 sec 30 sec 45 sec 29  58’ 30  29  59’ 15  10’ 15  11”15  12” Longitude = progressively East 30 " 30”15” 45” 15” 45”

6 Greater accuracy = subdivided into 30 seconds and 15 seconds 29  58’ 29  59’ 15  11’ 15  12’ 30” 15” 45” 30  15  10’ 30” 30’ 15” 45” 15” 45’AA A=29  58’15”S;15  10’15”E B=29  59’30”S;15  11’15”E BB

7 Exercises 1.On the Pietermaritzburg Map give the grid reference for: a)The centre of Scottsville racecourse. b)The Trig beacon on Signal Hill. c)The large buildings just north of the word “market in the south- east corner of the map. 2.On the Alberton Map on page 75, what is found at each of the following grid references? a)26  19’00”S; 28  01’00”E b)26  15’45”S; 28  04’00”E c)26  17’42”S; 28  03’00”E 3.On the Tafelberg Map on page 93, name the physical features found at: a)31  38’40”S; 25  10’00E b)31  33’50”S; 25  09’25”E 4.On the Plettenberg Bay Map on page 85, name the physical features found at: a)34  06’23”S; 23  23’22”E b)34  01’50”S; 23  23’30”E

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