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Navigation Summaries 1Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigation Summaries 1Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigation Summaries 1Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907

2 Notes… These summaries were designed to be used as quick memory affirmation tools. It’s best used when printed in colour. It is based on the fact that the human mind thinks in pictures – not in linear point format. The whole idea is to review the theory as often as possible without having to re-read the manual. It does not replace the manual – it assumes understanding of the subject material already. Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 39072

3 3 360 Longitudes – 180 East/180 West 360 Latitudes – 90 North/90 South x 4 quarters. 60 min between degrees 60 seconds between minutes Greenwich = ZERO longitude. Also Prime Meridian. Increase W/E to 180 at the Greenwich Anti- Meridian. Equator = ZERO latitude – increase to 90 at the poles. 1 minute of arc on the equator = 1 nm 1 KM = 1/10 000th of the average distance from the equator to the pole.

4 The Earth on Paper…. Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 39074

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6 Watch Out! Stop at Anti-Meridian… Always ensure u use the shortest distance between 2 positions North Pole If A is 165ºW and B is 75ºE, what is the Difference in Longitude? 180º - 165º = 15º 180º - 75º = 105º Thus DLong: 15º + 105º = 120º 6Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907

7 Beware when crossing the Equator!! From A to B the difference in Latitude is: 25º + 45º = 70º 7Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907

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9 Example: Hdng130º(C)Deviation 2ºW Variation 14ºW What is the True Heading of the aircraft? Solution: C+-D=M+-V=T 130-2=128-14=114 Deviation West Compass Best (more than Magnetic) Variation West Magnetic Best (more than True) 9Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907

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14 Abbreviations 1.A/H 2.Dr. 3.DR 4.Fix 5.G/S 6.TAS 7.Hdg(C) 8.Hdg(M) 9.Hdg(T) 10.TMG 11.W/V Alter Heading Drift – the difference between heading and track Dead Reckoning – estimated position Actual position over the surface Groundspeed over the surface True Airspeed – equal to G/S in no wind Compass Heading Magnetic Heading True Heading Track Made Good Wind direction and Speed Fix DR Position Air Position 14 Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907

15 15 Measure all distance vertical along the longitudes.

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18 18Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907

19 Lamberts Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 390719 Parallel of Origin

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24 Mercator Projection Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 390724 Cylindrical

25 Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 390725 ATPL Only

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28 Example: An a/c obtains a fix at 0600. The following bearings were obtained from a VOR: 0630 QTE 030º 0636 QTE 056º 0645 QTE 096º What is the Fix at 0645? Noticed there is no Track or GS – but a given fix? Ruler! Solution: Plot the 3 QTE’s and Fix QTE 030 0630 QTE 056 0636 QTE 096 0645 Fix 0600 Select a suitable scale of cm to time – in this case 1cm = 3min (or 2cm for 6min and 3cm for 9min) 2 3 Fix 28Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 3907

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35 Time Zones Created by Brand Wessels - 073 591 390735

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