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Cosmic-ray anisotropies observed by the ARGO-YBJ experiment presented by R. Iuppa University of Rome Tor Vergata INFN, “Tor Vergata” on behalf of.

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Presentation on theme: "Cosmic-ray anisotropies observed by the ARGO-YBJ experiment presented by R. Iuppa University of Rome Tor Vergata INFN, “Tor Vergata” on behalf of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cosmic-ray anisotropies observed by the ARGO-YBJ experiment presented by R. Iuppa University of Rome Tor Vergata INFN, “Tor Vergata” on behalf of the ARGO-YBJ collaboration

2 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 Outline  What we expect: isotropy of cosmic rays  Observations of CR anisotropies  The ARGO-YBJ experiment  The large scale anisotropy  The intermediate scale anisotropy  Conclusions 2

3 What is expected: isotropy The galactic magnetic field is thought to be the superposition of a “regular” and a “chaotic” component (with intensities B reg ~2 μG and B ch ~0.5÷2 μG respectively). The gyroradius of a particle of rigidity R TeraVolt is: J. Giacalone and J. R. Jokipii 1999 ApJ 520 204 Alvarez Muniz J. And Stanev T. 2006 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 47 126 Cosmic rays interact with the interstellar medium (ISM), the interactions further scattering their trajectories (minor effect w.r.t. that of B). We expect to observe their arrival directions are 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 3

4 What the observation of CR anisotropies might suggest  there are sources nearby.  the galactic magnetic field is not what we think (only if the effect is due to charged cosmic rays):  the role of the Solar wind as well as the magnetic field in the solar system may be non-negligible.  there might be local (or non-local) magnetic field structures focusing CRs up to the Solar System.  the chaotic component of the magnetic field may overwhelm the regular one.  any combination of the two facts above. 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 4

5 Observations of CR anisotropies Tibet AS-γ - Science 20 October 2006: Vol. 314 no. 5798 pp. 439-443 MILAGRO - 2009 ApJ 698 2121 Super-Kamiokande – ICRC 2007 Proceedings ICE-CUBE - 2010 ApJ 718 L194 G. Guillian et. al. 2007 PRD 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 5

6 Tibet AS- γ AR Astrophysical Radiation G with Ground-based OYBJ Observatory at YangBaJing The ARGO-YBJ experiment Altitude 4300 m a.s.l. Longitude 90° 31’ 50” East Latitude 30° 06’ 38” North 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 6

7 Operation modes Shower mode Trigger : number of fired pads (N pad ) within 420 ns on the central carpet for N pad  20, rate ~ 3.5 kHz ( ~220 GBytes/day) Detection of Extensive Air Showers (direction, size, core …) Aims :cosmic-ray physics (threshold ~ 1 TeV) VHE  -astronomy (threshold ~ 300 GeV) gamma-ray bursts Scaler mode counting rates (  1,  2,  3,  4 coincidences) for each cluster Aims:detector and environment monitor flaring phenomena ( gamma ray bursts, solar flares) with a threshold of few GeV 2011, 25th MayRICAP20117

8 Number of Fired Strips Space pixel: single strip ( 7×62 cm 2 ) Time pixel: pad ( 56×62 cm 2 ) is the OR of 8 strips, with a resolution of ~ 1.8 ns Dynamical range for protons by means of pads, strips and big pads : ~ 1 - 10 4 TeV Duty cycle > 85%   Rate stability 0.5% (intrinsic) Excellent operating performance since November 2007. 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 8

9 Data analysis 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 DATA SET: 2008-2010 data N str >40 Zenith angle < 50° 1.4 10 11 events NO SELECTION CUT APPLIED Background estimation methods:  Up to 45°-wide structures:  Time swapping/scrambling (3 hrs, N off /N on =10)  Direct integration (3 hrs)  (consistent each other within 7. 10 -6 )  For larger scales: equizenith method 9

10 The large scale anisotropy as observed by ARGO-YBJ Tail-in Loss-coneCygnus region All-data sky-map. Analysis optimized to look at large scale anisotropies (“all- distance” equizenith background estimation technique). 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 10

11 Energy spectrum of the large scale anisotropy 0.7TeV(20-60) 1.5TeV(60-100) 3.9TeV(>100) In agreement with standard diffusion models, where the anisotropy increases with the energy. 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 11

12 Large scale anisotropy: possible interpretations 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 12 Tail-in Loss-coneCygnus region Xiao-bo Qu et al 2011, arXiv:1101.5273 Mizoguchi et al, 31 st ICRC 2009 The loss-cone is the signature of a “poloidal” component of the galactic magnetic field (in agreement with southern emisphere data from IceCube). The “tail-in” and the “Cygnus” excess are both due to guiding by the magnetic fields along the local arm (the “tail-in” excess is slightly deformed by the Heliosphere). What we see is the combination of a Uni-Directional Flow and a Bi-Directional Flow (along the magnetic field arm). The characteristic lengths are so small that a local low-density feature must be advocated: the Local Interstellar Cloud (93 pc 3 ).

13 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 The intermediate scale anisotropy MILAGRO: Discovery of Localized Regions of Excess 10-TeV Cosmic Rays DATA SET: Zenith angle < 45° 2.2 10 11 events Median energy 1 TeV NO GAMMA HADRON DISCRIMINATION APPLIED Region B 12.4 s.d. Fractional excess: 4 10 -4 Region A 15 s.d. Fractional excess: 6 10 -4 Smoothing radius 10° Background estimation technique: direct integration method (2 hours intervals) Ra: 66°-76° De: 10°-20° Ra: 117°-131° | 131°-141° De: 15°-40° | 40°-50° Phys.Rev.Lett.101:221101,2008 13

14 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 The intermediate scale CR anisotropy as observed by ARGO-YBJ All-data sky-map. Analysis optimized to look at small and medium scale anisotropies (direct integration and time-swapping background estimation technique). Several extended features are already visible at 1° scale. 14 Equatorial coordinates: projection of the earth longitude and latitude

15 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 The intermediate scale anisotropy at 5° SMOOTH RADIUS 5° GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER Significance Ratio 15

16 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 The intermediate scale anisotropy: focus on >5 s.d. significant regions GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER SMOOTH RADIUS 5° Ratio (> 5 s.d.) Cygnus region Sub-structures? New-structures? 16

17 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 Intermediate scale anisotropy energy spectrum MILAGRO 2008 ARGO-YBJ preliminary Region A and region B defined as in slide 3 17

18 Drury & Aharonian, Astroparticle Physics 2008 What is behind the intermediate scale anisotropies 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 18 Salvati & Sacco, Astronomy&Astrophysics 2008 Lazarian & Desiati, 2010, arxiv 1008.1981 nearby sources particular features of the local magnetic The excesses are due to nearby sources (Geminga, Vela, Monogem…) emitting CR. In any case it looks as particular features of the local magnetic field are needed to bring us the radiation so beamed. The spectrum and the cut-off are explained with the age of the source. magnetic reconnection in the heliotail What we see is the effect of the magnetic reconnection in the heliotail. The spectrum and the cutoff are due to the efficiency of the process.

19 Are we inside a CR “local bubble”? 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 19 Kawanaka et al., 2011, arxiv 1009.1142 Cosmic ray energy-dependent escape from a super-nova remnant 3X10 3 yrs 5X10 3 yrs 1X10 4 yrs 2X10 4 yrs Assumed source distance 290 pc e+/e- energy: 0.5X10 48 erg Are these feature related to the positron excess observed by PAMELA? Yuksel et al, 2009, arxiv 0810.2784 e+/e- from Geminga 100 GeV - 10 TeVARGO- YBJ measurements give localized excess All these violation of the standard CR model lay in the 100 GeV - 10 TeV interval. Notice that ARGO- YBJ measurements give localized excess.

20 2011, 25th May RICAP2011 Conclusions  ARGO-YBJ observed either the large scale and the intermediate scale cosmic ray anisotropies.  The observation of the large scale CR anisotropy is in agreement with the other experiments and provides useful data to constrain diffusion models.  The 300 GeV - 3 TeV large-scale data form ARGO-YBj may provide essential informations about the local and galactic magnetic field.  The observation of the intermediate scale excesses showed several interesting features still uninvestigated. Anyway, each model would imply deep revisions of the standard model of cosmic rays:  Unexpected magnetic field configurations:  Magnetic lenses?  Helio-tail reconnection?  Nearby sources:  Geminga, Vela, Monogem  is there any connection with FERMI/PAMELA findings?  What are the implications on the fine structure of the CR spectrum? Is the CR “knee” a feature of the nearby source emission?  The implications of such observations on the cosmic ray physics might be decisive, mostly as far as the medium scale features are concerned. 20

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