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AED 200 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT AED 200 Week 1 DQ1 and DQ2 AED 200 Week 1 CheckPoint Teacher Certification Licensure.

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2 AED 200 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT AED 200 Week 1 DQ1 and DQ2 AED 200 Week 1 CheckPoint Teacher Certification Licensure AED 200 Week 2 CheckPoint Students Social Challenges AED 200 Week 2 CheckPoint Social Justice

3 AED 200 Week 1 CheckPoint Teacher Certification Licensure FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Teacher Certification/Licensure Resource : Appendix A from Introduction to the foundations of American education (13th ed.).

4 AED 200 Week 1 DQ1 and DQ2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Post your response to the following: As the supply of teachers diminishes, the demand on new and existing teachers increases. As a potential teacher and educator

5 AED 200 Week 2 CheckPoint Social Justice FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Social Justice Answer the following in 200-300 words: In any given multicultural classroom, what are the concerns in terms of social justice for all students? How would you address these concerns?

6 AED 200 Week 2 CheckPoint Students Social Challenges FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Students ‟ Social Challenges Answer the following in 200-300 words: List three societal issues students face outside of the classroo

7 AED 200 Week 3 CheckPoint School Funding Issues FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: School Funding Issues Resource : Go to and review the educational funding issues for your state

8 AED 200 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Post your response to the following: After reading this week ‟ s reserve reading, explain what school choice options are available.

9 AED 200 Week 4 Assignment Students Rights and Teachers Responsibilities Scenario FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Assignment: Students ‟ Rights and Teachers ‟ Responsibilities Scenario Choose one of the following issues regarding students ‟ rights and teachers ‟ responsibilities: Random student locker searches without permission

10 AED 200 Week 4 CheckPoint Debate Project Outline FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Debate Project Outline Create an outline of your Educational Debate Persuasive Paper. The outline should be based on one of the educational debates

11 AED 200 Week 4 CheckPoint Religion in Schools FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Religion in Schools Resource : Chapter 6 Journal Entry #1 (p.229) in Introduction to the foundations of American education (13th ed.).

12 AED 200 Week 5 CheckPoint Educational Philosophies FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Educational Philosophies Resource : Appendix B Use the Educational Philosophies Table in Appendix B. Classify each philosophy

13 AED 200 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Post your response to the following: What are the fundamental differences between Western philosophies and Eastern ways of knowing? (Generally, how does each culture view the world and education?)

14 AED 200 Week 6 Assignment claassroom management paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Assignment: Classroom Management Paper Resources : “Classroom Management” video from Chapter 11 on the textbook companion website

15 AED 200 Week 6 CheckPoint Personal Philosophy of Education FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Personal Philosophy of Education Write a 200-300 word response to the following: You've been presented with a variety of educational philosophies.

16 AED 200 Week 7 CheckPoint Key Players in Curriculum Development FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Key Players in Curriculum Development Resource : Appendix C Use Appendix C to identify key players in curriculum development

17 AED 200 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Resource: Review the No Child Left Behind section in Chapter 5(p.156-157) in Introduction to the foundations of American education (13th ed.). and go to the website

18 AED 200 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Capstone Discussion Question Post your response to the following: Of all the current issues in education, which do you think will be the biggest issue for you

19 AED 200 Week 9 Final Project Educational Debate Persuasive Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Final Project: Educational Debate Persuasive Paper Resources : Appendix A Choose one of the current debates from Introduction to the Foundations of American Education (13th ed.) listed in Appendix A.


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