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Seventh Grade Edition Brought to you by: Mrs. Amma.

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2 Seventh Grade Edition

3 Brought to you by: Mrs. Amma

4 LIFE SCIENCE JEOPARDY Real Life Test Questions Diversity Body System Body Systems 2 Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

5 Real Life Test Questions $100 Question What is the definition of diversity? ANSWER

6 Real Life Test Questions $100 Answer Diversity means many differences. BACK TO THE BOARD

7 Real Life Test Questions $200 Question What may happen to the body if its kidneys are not functioning properly? ANSWER

8 Real Life Test Questions $200 Answer Wastes build up in the bloodstream BACK TO THE BOARD

9 Real Life Test Questions $300 Question Why is the heart considered to be a double pump? ANSWER

10 Real Life Test Questions $300 Answer It pumps blood to the lungs and to the body with every beat. BACK TO THE BOARD

11 Real Life Test Questions $400 Question List the Levels of Organization starting with cells and building up. ANSWER

12 Real Life Test Questions $400 Answer Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ Systems, Organisms BACK TO THE BOARD

13 Real Life Test Questions $500 Question Define Interdependence. ANSWER

14 Real Life Test Questions $500 Answer Two or more body systems working together to sustain life of an organism. The products of one system can be the fuel for another. BACK TO THE BOARD

15 Order of Living Things $100 Question What is the difference between a multicellular and a unicellular organism? ANSWER

16 Order of Living Things $100 Answer Multi-cellular: has many cells Unicellular: has one cell only BACK TO THE BOARD

17 Order of Living Things $200 Question What is the name for an organism whose offspring can breed and create offspring to continue the genetic traits of the group? ANSWER

18 Order of Living Things $200 Answer Species BACK TO THE BOARD

19 Order of Living Things $300 Question Give examples of each level of organization. ANSWER

20 Order of Living Things $300 Answer Answers may include: muscle cell, muscle tissue, muscle, muscular system, human being BACK TO THE BOARD

21 Order of Living Things $400 Question Describe two differences between plants and animals. ANSWER

22 Order of Living Things $400 Answer Plants: breathes CO2, producers Animals: breathes oxygen, consumers BACK TO THE BOARD

23 Order of Living Things $500 Question Bonus ANSWER

24 Order of Living Things $500 Answer Subtract 500 points from the other team or take 500 points for yourself. BACK TO THE BOARD

25 Body Systems $100 Question What are the materials in the blood that the circulatory system is responsible for transporting to and from every cell? ANSWER

26 Body Systems $100 Answer Oxygen, nutrients, waste BACK TO THE BOARD

27 Body Systems $200 Question How does oxygen get into your blood? ANSWER

28 Body Systems $200 Answer You take in oxygen through your nose and mouth. It goes down your trachea and into your lungs through the bronchial tubes to the aveoli where the capillaries pick up oxygen. BACK TO THE BOARD

29 Body Systems $300 Question Name the two systems that help to protect your internal organs and give you your shape. ANSWER

30 Body Systems $300 Answer Skeletal and muscular systems BACK TO THE BOARD

31 Body Systems $400 Question Which system is essential for the continuation of our species (in other words: needed in order to pass on our genes to future generations) ANSWER

32 Body System $400 Answer Reproductive system BACK TO THE BOARD

33 Body Systems $500 Question This organ system helps you to regulate hormones which helps your body to react to stimuli. ANSWER

34 Body Systems $500 Answer Endocrine system BACK TO THE BOARD

35 More Body Systems $100 Question What is the function of your nervous system? ANSWER

36 More Body Systems $100 Answer The nervous system controls all of the body systems. BACK TO THE BOARD

37 More Body Systems $200 Question What is the function of the immune system? ANSWER

38 More Body Systems $200 Answer The immune system protects your body from illness and infection. BACK TO THE BOARD

39 More Body Systems $300 Question What would a doctor prescribe for a bacterial infection? ANSWER

40 More Body Systems $300 Answer Antibiotics for a bacterial infection. BACK TO THE BOARD

41 More Body Systems $400 Question What is the function of the digestive system? ANSWER

42 More Body Systems $400 Answer The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients for the body to use. BACK TO THE BOARD

43 More Body Systems $500 Question How are are the circulatory and respiratory system interdependent? ANSWER

44 More Body Systems $500 Answer The lungs bring in oxygen and the alveoli put the oxygen into the blood. The circulatory system pumps the blood with oxygen to all the body cells. BACK TO THE BOARD

45 Potpourri $100 Question When you exercise, what happens to your breathing and heart rate? Why? ANSWER

46 Potpourri $100 Answer They increase because your muscles require more oxygen and nutrients to have enough energy to function. BACK TO THE BOARD

47 Potpourri $200 Question What is the order of the organs that food travels through in the digestive system? ANSWER

48 Potpourri $200 Answer Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus BACK TO THE BOARD

49 Potpourri $300 Question When is your body processing the most oxygen, while running or sleeping? Why? ANSWER

50 Potpourri $300 Answer Running because your muscles need more oxygen because they are working harder! BACK TO THE BOARD

51 Potpourri $400 Question Why is the heart considered a double pump? ANSWER

52 Potpourri $400 Answer The heart pumps blood to the lungs and the body with every beat. BACK TO THE BOARD

53 DAILY DOUBLE!!!! Question

54 Potpourri $500 Question Describe how the immune system and circulatory system are interdependent. ANSWER

55 Potpourri $500 Answer White blood cells track down invading bacteria and viruses as they travel throughout the blood. BACK TO THE BOARD

56 FINAL JEOPARDY Describe the function of bile in the digestive system and tell where it is produced and where it is stored.

57 FINAL JEOPARDY Bile helps the body to break down fats and carbohydrates for the digestive system. It is produced by the liver, and stored in the gall bladder.

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