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Energy systems. Research task ●In groups of 3 you are to each research the 3 different energy systems ○Group member 1 is to research Anaerobic glycolysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy systems. Research task ●In groups of 3 you are to each research the 3 different energy systems ○Group member 1 is to research Anaerobic glycolysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy systems

2 Research task ●In groups of 3 you are to each research the 3 different energy systems ○Group member 1 is to research Anaerobic glycolysis ○Group member 2 person is to research ATP-CP system ○Group member 3 is to research Aerobic glycolysis ○When is this system used ○Other names for system ○What is the system fuelled by? ○How long does the system usually last for? List the stages/steps of this system for ○What sports or activities predominately use this energy system? ○Rate of resynthesis: slow, medium, fast, very fast ○Yield rate, low, medium high ○Does this system have any by-products produced? If yes, what are they? ○Advantages of this system ○Disadvantages of this system

3 GROUPS GROUPNAMES 1Kwar, Hayan, Ben 2Ruby, Cody, Tim 3Turane, Jaiyme, Natasha 4Brodie, Ash, Jason 5Cameron, Isaac, Rylee 6Ivan, Raj, Jett 7Seth, David, Aqueel

4 ATP-CP energy system ● AKA = Phosphate system ● Used in explosive (short duration, high intensity) efforts to resynthesise ATP.

5 ATP-PC system ● The system is fuelled by stored ATP as well as creatine phosphate (CP or PC). ● PC is also stored in limited quantities in the muscles.

6 ATP-PC system

7 Question? ● 1. List 5 events/activities where the ATP-CP energy system is the predominate energy system?

8 ATP-PC system ● It can be the predominant energy system for 10 seconds. ● After this, the system will become depleted and the body will need to reduce intensity because it can no longer maintain the rate of ATP resynthesis. ● Requires 3 to 5 minutes of passive recovery to fully replenish if the system has been exhausted. ●50% replenishment is achieved within 30 seconds of passive recovery. ● Replenishment is shorter if the previous effort was less than 10 seconds.

9 ATP-CP system ● Rate of resynthesis = very fast (no O2 required). ● Yield of ATP = small (0.7 mol).

10 ATP-CP system - events

11 Question? ● 1. Why does long jump only use about 60% of ATP- CP stores?

12 Anaerobic glycolysis system ● AKA = Lactic acid system. ● Used in high intensity, repeated efforts when PC has been depleted and given insufficient time to recover and there is insufficient O2 at the muscle.

13 Anaerobic glycolysis system

14 ● It is the dominant supplier of ATP from the period of 10 seconds of maximal effort (PC stores depleted) to around 30-60 seconds (time taken for sufficient O2 to meet the demand at the muscles).

15 400m hurdles ●

16 Anaerobic glycolysis system ● Rate of resynthesis = fast (85-95% of max. HR) ● Yield of ATP = pretty small (2 mol) ● Limitation = accumulates metabolic by-products, which contribute to muscular fatigue. ● These two by-products are lactate and hydrogen ions.

17 Questions? ● 1. In a 400m hurdles race, what is causing the local muscular fatigue?

18 Aerobic energy system ● AKA = oxidative system (requires O2) ● Predominately used at rest and at sub-maximal intensities (less than 85% of max. HR) ● It becomes the dominant ES after 30 seconds at maximal intensity.

19 Aerobic energy system ● Yield = high (the greatest of all 3 ES) (38 moles from 1 mole of glucose). ● Rate = the slowest (due to needing the presence of O2). ● It has no fatiguing by-products (the body’s preferred system).

20 Aerobic energy system ● Very important in anaerobic events because it aids in recovery. ● In recovery, the aerobic system provides the muscles with O2 that help replenish PC stores and remove and break down metabolic by-products (lactate and H+ ions).

21 Question? ● 1. Why is it important for an elite athlete (Gary Ablett or Belinda Snell) that has to give repeat, high intensity efforts to have a well developed aerobic energy system?

22 Aerobic energy system ● Food fuels = glycogen, triglycerides and proteins (extreme). ● During exercise = body prefers glycogen.

23 Aerobic energy system

24 Questions? ● TTT Page 53

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