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Tutorials, Philosophical Chairs Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorials, Philosophical Chairs Tuesday, March 1, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorials, Philosophical Chairs Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2 Tuesday, 3/1 EQ: How can I support a position in a professional way?  Pick up a note card from the blue AVID bin.  Set room up for tutorials  Upcoming dates…  Tuesday, 3/1 – Tutorials  Thursday, 3/3 - Tutorials  Thursday, 3/3 – grade check, planner check  Monday, 3/7 – Tutorials  Wednesday, 3/9 – study day; no TRFs  Friday, 3/11 – grade check, planner check, CN check, END of the 3NWS  Friday, 4/15 – service learning hour documentation due  Thursday, 4/28 – service learning research paper is due  W/O 5/1 – Service learning presentations

3 Tutorials

4 Reflection  If you presented, describe your ‘a ha’ moment.  If you did not present, describe a presenters ‘a ha’ moment explain why.  Grade your TRFs.

5 Where we’ve been…  Read the USA today article to give you an overview on the topic.  When you finish the article find a different source that has reported on this topic.  Decide, in your mind, which side of the controversy you align with.  Come tell me your side discretely…no one else should hear. You may see both sides but you must take a position!

6 Philosophical Chairs


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