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Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 The main objective of this act is to regulate the contract labour and abolish it in certain cases.

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Presentation on theme: "Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 The main objective of this act is to regulate the contract labour and abolish it in certain cases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 The main objective of this act is to regulate the contract labour and abolish it in certain cases.

2 Applicability Every industry engaging 20 or more workers on contract basis. Every contractor engaging 20 or more workers.

3 Obtaining registration & license Apply in form I for registration in triplicate copy along with prescribed fees. Apply in form IV for license in triplicate copy along with license & security fees. For license form V is given by Principal employer to contractor.

4 Provisions for temporary registration & license For work of immediate nature Principal employer/ Contractor can apply for temporary registration/ license which is valid up to 15 days only.

5 Obligation of Principal employer Register of contractors Form XII Annual return Form XXV (on or before 15 th Feb) Notice of Commencement/ Form VI B Completion

6 Obligation of Contractor Renewal of licenseForm VII Register of workmanForm XIII Employment CardForm XIV Service CertificateForm XV Muster RollForm XVI Wages registerForm XVII Wage slipForm XIX

7 Contd…… Deduction for damage/loss Form XX Register of fines Form XXI Register of advances Form XXII Register of over-time Form XXIII Half yearly return Form XXIV Notice of Commencement Form VI A /Completion

8 Welfare Facilities Canteen Section 16 Rest rooms Section 17 Urinals, Latrines Drinking Facilities Section 18 First Aid Facilities Section 19 Principal employer will have to provide these facilities if not provided by contractor.

9 Applicability of other Act Persons cover under this act will be covered under: I) Factory Act, 1948 II) Employees’ Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 III)Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 / Workmen Compensation Act, 1923

10 Contd……. IV)Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 V)Minimum Wages Act, 1948 VI)Payment of Wages Act, 1936

11 Types of Contract Labour Job Order Labour Supply Sanctioned Fixed Additional Supply Immediate nature

12 Types of Contract Job Order Sanctioned Labour Supply Additional Labour Supply A.M.C. For Specific Work

13 Procedure of Engaging Contract is awarded by the concerned department /commercial department. For B.S.R. concerned deptt. send a job request to the purchase deptt. Purchase deptt. go through by the following steps. I) Enquiry II)Offers III Comparative Statement IV)Negotiation V)Award the Contract

14 Administration of contract labour Work Order is given by the concerned deptt. to the Contractor. Contractors fill in an application Form for engaging contract labour every month /new entry. Concerned department recommends the no. of labourers. Safety department imparts training to the labourers.

15 Contd…… Personnel department gives its approval only after being assured about no. of the workers in the license of the contractor & workman compensation Insurance. Employment Card/Gate pass is issued by the Security department. Gate pass is issued only for a month. Workmen who have gate pass can enter in the premises

16 SAP System Work order is released by concerned deptt. in the SAP system Commercial deptt.release Work order in system Concerned deptt. Create the indent Indent is created for L/S not for B.S.R. Personnel deptt. marks the entry in SAP on the basis of their counting. Overtime of the labour is marked by the concerned deptt.

17 Payment of Wages Bills of the contractor of L/S is passed on the basis of the entry in SAP. Payment to the contract labour is disbursed in Contractor Yard. Payment to the contract labour is disbursed before the management representative Representative stamps the register & signs on it.

18 Registers which are maintained Gate Pass register Comparison Register Daily entry of the contractor report Register having no. of contract labour (B.S.R., L/S, Additional L/S, Break down)


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